Season 2 is Kicking Off On The 28th June. Apply Now!
Talking With Experts with Chris Cownden
Season 2 is Kicking Off On The 28th June. Apply Now!
May 22, 2022
Season 2 is kicking off in style on the day I arrive in Montreal to kick off my podcasting tour of Canada and the US. Our objective is to answer these 2 fundamental questions. What expertise is required to build a world-class business? And what are other Startups and SaaS Companies each doing differently to stand out in this ever-changing world?
Season 2 is kicking off in style on the day I arrive in Montreal to kick off my podcasting tour of Canada and the US. This season is going to be unreal as I'm going to be meeting people for live in-person interviews and I’ll be documenting as much as this as possible on my YouTube Channel here:

I’m travelling in Montreal, Toronto, Austin, Nashville and all over California (and wherever my guests invite me) so if you are in those regions, hook me up and let's get something booked!

Best of all, I’m heading to AppSumo HQ to meet some of my team mates.

Season 2 is going to be answering these 2 fundamental questions: 

  1. What expertise is required to build a world-class business?
  2. What are other Startups and SaaS Companies each doing differently to stand out in this ever-changing and fast-paced world?

I’ll be bringing experts on who have startup and SaaS companies, have worked within Startups and SaaS companies and experts who have startups and SaaS companies as clients.

This season is going to help you get a broader insight of what is working right now, what startups are being built, how you can invest and support these companies and best of all, you can take the guesswork out of your growth.

If you want to be 1 of only 100 experts to join me in Season 2, go to and click “Apply.”

Here’s to greater opportunities and building world class businesses! 
From your biggest advocate and aspiring entrepreneur Chris Cownden (The Expert Whisperer) 

You can connect with me here: