Smarten Up! The Tax and Business Podcast
31: Innovative Employee Rewards Beyond Pay Rises
June 17, 2024
Thinking of raising salaries? Wait! There are smarter ways to reward your team. Unlock the secrets to employee satisfaction beyond paychecks! In this episode, Sally Preston dives deep into the complexities and strategic opportunities of employee remuneration.
Thinking of raising salaries? Wait! There are smarter ways to reward your team. Unlock the secrets to employee satisfaction beyond paychecks! 

In this episode, Sally Preston dives deep into the complexities and strategic opportunities of employee remuneration. With the end of the financial year approaching, business owners are often focused on payroll and benefits. But is a pay rise the only way to reward your staff? 

Sally explores alternative incentives that could have a more significant impact on both your bottom line and employee satisfaction. From understanding the hidden costs of salary increases to leveraging fringe benefits and professional development, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you make the best decisions for your team and your business.

In this episode of the Smarten Up! The Tax and Business Podcast, you'll learn:

By understanding the true cost and impact of different types of remuneration, you can make more informed decisions that benefit both your business and your employees.