HOP Into Action Podcast Series
Learning Teams The Chevron Way "Learn, Soak and Improve" - Part One
June 2, 2021
Welcome to the 37th episode of the podcast series. In today's podcast, we celebrate and recognise the work of some amazing people at Chevron who have been embedding Learning Teams the Chevron way of "Learning, Soak and Improve".
Hi Safety FM listeners, this is Brent Sutton, one of the co-hosts of the new podcast series The Practice of Learning Teams, with my fellow co-hosts Glynis McCarthy and Brent Robinson.

Our goal is to support you on your journey and build a better community of practice for Learning Teams.

When I think about health and safety awards and recognition, I am always a bit concerned that we recognize good work and the very next day, something happens and all that good work and recognition becomes negative. It makes us feel if we celebrate success, are we welcoming failure into the room.

Today is different, and one that is worthy of celebration and recognition. Today I am joined by an amazing team of people from Chevron, who have been embedding Learning Teams across the organization and in many countries.

Prior to Covid19, this group of individuals received the Chevron Chairman's Award from Chevron CEO, Micheal Wirth, for their outstanding effort in promoting a learning culture through the development and deployment of Learning Teams.

I am joined today by three of the original group of seven that developed the Learning Team tool for Chevron.

In this two-part series, we will explore their journey of embedding Learning Teams and explore not only how Learning Teams have been deployed both in and outside of Safety, but also how Learning Teams have enriched the lives of workers both in and out of work.

Please join me with Brent Robinson as we explore Learning Teams the Chevron Way, of “Learn, Soak and Improve” with Ximena Gutierrez, Chelsea Miller and Erik Schwarze.

Please share your thoughts about this episode @ podcastlearnings.com

Be part of the journey with Learning Teams @ learningteamscommunity.com

And don't forget, the book "The Practice of Learning Teams" is available in printed and Kindle editions on Amazon or from the author's website.