Safety FM with Jay Allen
Emily Elrod
September 29, 2020
Today on The Jay Allen Show, we speak with Emily Elrod. Emily is the President of Workzbe and the host of Unapologetically Bold. We talk about her career, how Emily got started, and how see's things going in the future. Hear it all today on The Jay Allen Show
Today on The Jay Allen Show, we speak with Emily Elrod. Emily is the President of Workzbe and the host of Unapologetically Bold.

We talk about her career, how Emily got started, and how see's things going in the future.

Hear it all today on The Jay Allen Show

[00:00:02] spk_0: this is visited. This show is brought to you by Safety FM. Mhm for well, hello and welcome to the J. Allen Show. Hopefully, you're off to a grand start of this week. So far, I know it's Tuesday, but still it could be a grand start. Hopefully, everything is going well inside of your neck of the woods, because that's always important. So thank you for everyone who has contacted me in regards of safety. FM dot UK Within an interesting day, for sure. Yesterday as we had it launch on the other one, or the other thing that came about was the people reaching out to talk about black line, blue line, yellow line, Orange Line. Seems like a lot of people like that. So I'm sure we'll have some further discussions a little bit later down the road about it. Well, today is going to be a special, special special special episode. I actually have the privilege today to speak Thio. Emily L ride. Now the question that I have for you Are you familiar with Emily? If not, let me give you a little bit about her. Her clients describe her as energetic, wiser beyond her years and the person that gets things done. Her husband describes her as a blonde good mama, an animal philanthropist. If you ask her. She just a lover of humanity, dark chocolate and now found she will gladly nerd out on ways people's places and things could go from stress to strategic. She's gained this love for personal and professional experience. Emily once was a 21 year old single mother fighting for her in her son's life. She was a lead economic engineer who loved people more than machines. She was also award winning health strategist who despise how programs were created, human workers and not human beings, even when the focus was not on health and safety. Well, today I have the privilege of speaking to Emily L. Rod, Emily. Welcome to the show. So I guess I have to ask the question starting off because I asked everybody the exact same question because it's the easiest one to start off one, but also becomes the most difficult one. How did you get down this journey and why did you decide to go down this path? Because it looks like you're involved in safety to an extent so How did you decide to do this?

[00:02:37] spk_1: Oh, that's a funny one. S o. I started off with a weird, I guess career life, you would say. So my father actually invented a lot of the stuff that makes carpet in the textile industry. And so I was following in his footpath, and I designed machinery for ergonomics, for safety, making sure that people were avoiding injuries and such. But what I learned from there is that I like people more than machines almost days. And I wanted to transition over into the people side of the equation because I actually have a background in or a degree, my degree and my masters in health, science, human science and physiology. So how the body works. And so with that shift over, I got to learn a lot about how humans are designed in our behaviors. That we do that sometimes can really sabotage is, in essence, in safety. Or it could be in wellness or just in life in general. So it's kind of how I ended up here. Um, Now I'm my own company. I'm blessed. I have amazing people that work with me, that air in the or development, wellness, safety space. And we just have fun, okay?

[00:03:56] spk_0: And we'll get to that. And I just wanna make sure that I have an understanding of what you told me right there at the beginning. You like people more than machines most of the time? Eso When When does this not happen in this fashion that

[00:04:07] spk_1: I can think of a few of them.

[00:04:11] spk_0: And now remember, you do have a staff that is probably going to listen to this at some point. So keep that in mind as well.

[00:04:16] spk_1: No. Hey, I had the most amazing staff. I was saying they are rock stars and talk about one thing that we really go flow into a psychological safety like they call me out and I call them out and we are honest with each other. If you ever like, I do a podcast. And on its talk about being a hot human who is humble, open and transparent, that's our flow. That's what we do. It's all about being hot.

[00:04:40] spk_0: Well, you do a podcast, but you also do of what I call a vote cast as well, because I do see a lot of your posts on on Lincoln video wise. So how did that start for you have? What was the decision on jumping into, Of course, the medium of being behind the camera behind the

[00:04:56] spk_1: microphone again. I like people more than machines, almost.

[00:05:00] spk_0: But hold on your behind microphones and cameras, those air all machine related to an extent

[00:05:05] spk_1: they are. But that the flow of that is that I was not getting the people interaction that I wanted because of Kobe. You know, it shuts everything down. And I'm like, Oh, I am a people person. I need my people. And so how can I have my nerdy conversations about different subjects about how humans were designed? Um, and make it where Hey, it's just like us talking, drinking coffee at a table, you know, And that's kind of what it was. And how it morphed into is just getting with people and having conversations, not with people that are like, like minded with me, but people that are like hearted like we see same values and in the work of making, I guess the world better for people in general.

[00:05:54] spk_0: So when you say it light hearted, what are some of the dives that you take into inside of the podcast podcast

[00:06:00] spk_1: a lot just how humans are made because it's called unapologetically bold. I'm not sorry for. So a lot of the times we find ourself apologizing for being a human at home at work versus home. And there's, like, this very contrast ing values that sometimes play out. And that is what happened in my corporate world and just the dilemmas that come with You're not getting to be your true self. So I always talk about how I'm not sorry I was a single mom. I'm not sorry for that and all the life lessons that it taught me. I'm not sorry that I am a business owner and I am doing a this podcast or lifetime, whatever you wanna call it right now. The radio while my kids were doing their work like, I'm not sorry for that. Like, I'm not sorry for being me and following my purpose, not being a quote unquote stay at home Mom, that should be in the kitchen. Um, that sometimes felt growing up was my destiny. And so that's what we talked to people about is what they're not sorry for. and it's all different things. I had one person come on, and she was not sorry for being wrongly incarcerated and being put in jail for six months with she had a 10 year sentence and how she found Joy in the jail cell. I'm not sorry. There's another one. Justin, uh, diferente He came on and about talking about the truth of safety like he's not sorry for recognizing everybody. You know, there's just different things that we have flowed through that that are around what we have on with works. But we have what is called a wise model. So wellness of the full holistic, well being. Intelligence, which is process improvement, but also emotional intelligence safety, which also includes psychological safety and then empowerment. So basically, if they flow through those wise ones, we talk about it because we think it's a part of being old, a hot human.

[00:07:58] spk_0: Well, I think it's interesting that I have to tell you. A few days ago, after weeks made a connection there on social media, I didn't go through, and I found a video of you saying, I want to apologize. E was and and then you said, boom because And then if you want me to go into specifics, I can I'll leave it up to you. No. And I was amazed that you said, hey, that you had not been as bold as you present yourself. And I was like, That's pretty bold of you saying that in general.

[00:08:26] spk_1: Yeah. What I find is a lot of people that, like, put out content the way that we dio ItT's things that we're working on. Like I am working on daily to be unapologetically bold because I have a pretense toe. Always say, I'm sorry for this. I'm a people again. I like people I loved e handle machine e love making machines very efficient. Now I can get nerdy on that one, but again, it goes back to the people equation. Um, but for all that, it's just I've got to be bold in who I am and walking out in my purpose and just quit worrying what other people think sometimes because sometimes it really can, like, hurt your progress because you care old, is this gonna be a good idea? What do they think? Well, they get likes, you know, just just do it. Who cares.

[00:09:20] spk_0: So let's let me ask you about that. Because this becomes a very interesting component, especially you being a business owner. Ah, podcaster will say a vlogger just to kind of put a prettier term to it as you're doing this and you're doing these things that are quote unquote non apologetic. Do you see that? Have also some impact in your business. Or maybe a client might look at that and go Well, that was a little bit different than what I am accustomed to you bringing to the table. Has that occurred or is that something that you even concern yourself with?

[00:09:50] spk_1: I always bring something that is different to the table. It's an odd Chuck when it comes to thinking like, I don't know what happens in this brain some time. So I think that's the reason why my clients like me. Um and I'm blessed to be able to

[00:10:06] spk_0: Do you think they like you? They must like you remember most. Most companies actually hired the personality is the way that it goes first.

[00:10:13] spk_1: Yes, I'm blessed. I'm blessed to work with such amazing people. And the thing is, is what I bring is such a different approach to the world that we work in, and it is not really that different. Um, these things that I bring a good

[00:10:28] spk_0: don't give up. Don't give away the secret sauce if it's different but not that different. You don't want to. You know you don't want your competitors just still it up.

[00:10:36] spk_1: What I was. My father has run that business for 25 years, and he says, never, never look in the rear view mirror What your competitors are doing always be innovative and go for And so, in essence, they'll be following in your footsteps and you're always gonna be copied or something's gonna happen for it. Um, and just think that that's a form of flattery. So with

[00:11:01] spk_0: when they're mimicking your exact blueprint, I don't know if that's a form of flattery, a version of direct rip off. That's my opinion.

[00:11:09] spk_1: Well, they can only do so much happy because they gotta have the personality behind it, right? Uh, but with that, we just it well again, it's is things that people talk about is just how are humans design. So whenever I was an engineer, like if something went wrong, like you come back and you talk to the engineering is like, Hey, this is jacked up here, here and here. Um, but then you go into the people space and we don't look how one we've designed our spaces or to how you the human is designed to even interpret it. So one thing I always talked about in in, since this is a safety part one of the things I cannot handle to hear a times is the safety saying stop and think so if anybody here in this and you came up with it, it's good in theory. But if you have a stressed out environment, it literally shuts off your learning centers of your brain so people can stop, but they can't think. And they're going to rely on whatever safety mechanism and tool and machine that you created for to compensate for what they should be thinking. And so this is kind of the things that we come in and we look It's like, let's look at the behavior side and how our thoughts lead. There are feelings which leaves their actions which ultimately leads to our behaviors. Look at those equations. How are humans? Design how are they made?

[00:12:35] spk_0: So let me ask that then being is we've gotten to this particular portion as you look at them at this. Then do you look at behavior when you're when you're talking about safety? Is that what you're looking at in particular? Is that how you take the approach to it?

[00:12:49] spk_1: Yes. Well, the cool thing is, is in physiology, there's this thing called serotonin. I called our safety cop of our body. So what we look at is how is that being affected by the environment? Stresses one we know sleep cool thing that people can do with their claims that I found is that you can see safety incidents or accidents correlated with the hours that people work. So if they're working 34 shifts, you're more likely to have an accident. It would be common sense, you think, But we still have places. And

[00:13:23] spk_0: you said that you said that out loud. I cannot believe that common sense and tied that in together inside of something, talking about safety and working. Oh, my God. We're gonna all get in trouble. We're all going to hell

[00:13:33] spk_1: now. I know for sure. I know. I'm doing it. But that's the thing is we've again going back to the machine thing. We kind of compensated with some machines with processes and policies that we created to basically make us human robots instead of human beings and use our brains. And we see I talked to somebody the other day about falls like fall protection. Still the number one thing we're still talking about it. We're still doing the same drills and training is, and it's just, like, wait up a minute. Like can Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. So if they're not engaged, they think it's cool for a minute to watch something fall and then a check. You know, like, um, and how human possibly can break into a billion pieces. Um, but that doesn't really sink in with them. So how do we make it a behavior? How do we make it a habit for them? Thio check on their brothers, check on their sisters and safety, you know, And but then also for you to even be able to care for others, you gotta care for yourself First. You gotta have awareness to sleep on. That's why safety and wellness flow together for us because it's all in the body together.

[00:14:49] spk_0: So as you take a look at this and you go into organizations and you start having this conversation, how does this normally go about? Does somebody contact you because they're realizing that they're having a problem? Or do they contact you because they already had a problem

[00:15:02] spk_1: usually already had, Typically, okay. And they want something new and different, and that is one thing. But the other one is to safety again. Has always been said the same way. And I had somebody the other day Tell me he goes, This is something new and he goes, This may stick and I'm like, Well, I hope so. That's my goal. E never heard about safety being talked about, like how we're designing and and how we're made and that it's actually in us. And there's another thing that we talked about his growth mindset. So when people know that it's within them and that's how they're made, they're designed. They're more likely to accept it in essence and having more of a growth mindset than a fixed one. And so that has been an interesting mix on it. With the increase engagement, I would say,

[00:16:01] spk_0: Okay, but you're gonna have to hold on real quick because not everybody's gonna know exactly what you're talking about there. Between the growth mindset and the fixed mindset, I know a lot of people have played inside of the world. Psychology will know about that, but you're probably gonna have to go into a little bit more specific about

[00:16:13] spk_1: that. Okay, so let me

[00:16:16] spk_0: rephrase that you don't have to, but if you want them to follow along here, you might want to bring it up.

[00:16:21] spk_1: Okay, so that's the thing. I feel like everybody should know what this is. My kids are being taught this in kindergarten. So is starting to be put mawr into learning, which is what I love. But growth mindset, in essence, is that you feel like you can adapt, you can overcome and that you're not a product of your situation. Um, in essence, if something comes at you, you believe and you have the mindset that you will be resilient, you'll be able to overcome and bounce back from it. In a very broad, broad term of how it goes were fixed month set,

[00:16:57] spk_0: right, Go ahead. But

[00:16:59] spk_1: we're a fixed mindset is like it's this way. It's always been this way. It's always gonna happen this way. You're fixed. It's not gonna do much for you. So you feel like you're a product of your raising. You feel like you're a product of your moment. You are fixed in this moment and you can't change it. You can't do anything to adapt. Overcome or no behaviors can happen from it. So which, uh Ph. D and all this, so you might explain a little bit better. You know,

[00:17:28] spk_0: I think you're spot on in regards on how you're actually explaining it. Now here's the fun part is that I'm noticing exactly how you are. They're starting to show this, actually, even in schools now at a younger age for them, for the students that have a better understanding of exactly what's going on, because I think that that's really what we've noticed as we've been going through the journey, that people are adaptable, But sometimes people don't want to acknowledge that right away, which has become very interesting as we go out through this particular journey now I don't want to turn around and make this about me and my stuff. I'm more interested in what you have going on. I could talk to myself all the time, so that's that's not a big thing here. So you go there. You talk about this, you start changing now, do you go back several times as you're going through this? Or do you have, like advocates inside of the organization that are, Let's say, strong, believe I'm going to use the word believers. And I know people normally think that I'm talking about religion, but when you get to safety, you almost have to becoming evangelists when it comes to these things. So do you have people that are following along with what you're kind of letter of the law, what you're talking about, or how does that come about?

[00:18:29] spk_1: So you have to have a In essence, you have to be the evangelist. You have to have the followers because if you ever get an email for me, it says the kiss of death is to be the genius with 10,000 helpers. Instead, be the genius with 10,000 geniuses in the aspect of that is the people I typically work with. I worked with all all sizes, but I do have a few Fortune 500 companies. I can't be everywhere and I don't want to be all and be everything for everyone. People are amazing and this is awful. And I love that people have me as a consultant and come in and do the work. But half the time you actually don't need consultants. If you just took the time toe, ask your people what to dio and

[00:19:15] spk_0: then her right away. Block her beauty. She's giving away all the trade secret. No, you're you're so spot on. Realistically, the ideas do come from the field. And I'm sorry for rudely interrupting you. But you're right. You're absolutely right. Ah, lot of organizations don't even realize that that some of the best ideas that we're going to come about Do you come from exactly inside of their organization from their field?

[00:19:37] spk_1: Exactly. Because I can't know how to go in and change the machine over. I don't know how your actual safety processes are exactly. I can hear and I could be a third party neutral. But I You guys know it like who's ever doing it knows what to do, and they know it best. So why not use that to your advantage? Like they've probably been doing it for 2030 years and had these thoughts like that would have been cool if we did the X one zoo? Um, but they just kept like, I literally had a guy the other day that said, You have been thinking about this for five years. Look, and you're just now telling me like and it's like a like he kept it in like and just going back. I guess that unapologetically bold like he doesn't even have enough confidence. Or it could be the other part that he might be scared that he may look dumb or his thought might be dumb. And it's something that he just thought and turned and turned on for so long that he just like, never mind.

[00:20:42] spk_0: So do you think that when you go to an organization, then you're helping empowering some of the people that are already there? Is that the way that you look at it?

[00:20:49] spk_1: Oh yeah, it's their idea again. So no knock, too. The man of the world. I love like, Oh,

[00:21:00] spk_0: that's a knock. That is definitely enough. Can he come Anything that starts off that way, I am blocked. That is what it is exactly is come on

[00:21:07] spk_1: so slightly and not wear awesome. So I'm blessed. But first, whenever I went into designing and engineering like I was the only girl like and this is about 10 years ago, And with that, there's what I found is that they believed I could not do the engineering aspect of it in the design of it, even though I've been doing it in essence since I was 10 years old, because I've been in the shop I've been taught I could out auto cad anybody, you know, Um but it was so frustrating. But what I learned from there is like, Okay, how can I overcome this frustration on what I did is like, make it their idea. It's their idea. When it was their idea, it's so like and like I didn't have toe work is hard. I'm like, Okay, how can I do this? And that's in essence, what I do. If it's people's idea, they're more likely to take ownership of it. I don't want it to be mine because I'd be the only one basically given the law down, and nobody wants to follow that. So what can I do? Thio gain, um, believers or followers in a way that they can take it on and maybe even take it to a better level than I ever thought I could.

[00:22:25] spk_0: You know, it's interesting that you say that I interviewed quite a few people, and I have a very large amount of females that I speak with that say that exactly that they have to make it appear as if it's the person that they might be reporting to, or a guy in particular for them to be able to move forward within the organization for that. Now, as you've seen this, how did you have to be able? Thio almost separate yourself to be able to get that to work.

[00:22:52] spk_1: You gotta take back your ego because in the end I had a goal and I just wanted t work on How can I accomplish this goal? And it's again going back to the process and nerd ing out on that. It's like it was a failure after failure. I gotta learn from it it's not working. So what will and just looking at processes and figuring out this is how this relates to people and they a lot of times they haven't even been heard or listen to for so many years that whenever you just pop up and you're just their toe, listen and then let them know how your idea can actually happen. Let's just talk to a few amazing people's get a round table and see what we could do with it and go from there like it is taking. What I always say is that knowledge is not always power. Its knowledge and action is because knowledge and action is wisdom, because if you just sit on that knowledge, it doesn't do anything with you. So if people are coming to me, if if I feel like I can't break through or get through, I'm gonna have to take that knowledge and do something about it. No.

[00:24:00] spk_0: And I think you're spot on. I really do, because think about it. Even based on what you were saying earlier, you referenced it. Some of the people you get the information exactly when you go into an organization because they have very knowledgeable people that are on the field are already inside of the organization, and that's knowledge that it's sitting there that they're not using in without action. Nothing's going on. So and believe me, I'm not trying Thio, you know, skewed away from consultants and all that, because sometimes you need some of that just to kind of get the motor running inside of some organizations. But you're spot on when you say this. So what would you say? Percentage wise? You see, when you go into an organization where you see that this is actually occurring, where a female has to downplay her knowledge base to be able to move

[00:24:43] spk_1: on? That's an interesting question.

[00:24:46] spk_0: I Come on, come on, you know that we're all nobody is listening.

[00:24:49] spk_1: E. I really have never truly thought of that. I just think it's my experience at times because the women that I know are very confident in their abilities that in the rooms in the in the C suite that we're sitting in, they don't play it off that way. But I don't think that they got to that level without being that confident or having that confidence with it. So would I say, going back to my younger days and maybe speaking with mawr of the beginner level or the newer people coming in, I bet there are. I bet I would bet that probably 60 to 70% probably have that some some form of opinion on it.

[00:25:40] spk_0: Okay, So let me, let me ask you this. Then when you decided to go out on your own and you started your own business and you were going after organizations, did you have fear that you would be held back because you're a woman? Yeah.

[00:25:56] spk_1: Right now, in the timing, some people are checking the box for a woman more than I would say at times that maybe in a female coming into safety, I guess at times like, hey, do you actually know what you're talking about? But that's very few. Inform us if somebody's coming to me, they usually have a general idea, and they know what I do. And the work that I do, It doesn't matter. My gender I would say my age and how I look. I look like I'm 12 and I'm 14 so I'm t tiny and I look young. S o that has been

[00:26:34] spk_0: Oh, my God. That has to change so many perspectives. When you go out to an order, when you go out to an organization, especially if you're out in the field.

[00:26:41] spk_1: Yes, yes, it does. It makes They're like, Oh, who is that child walking by? I

[00:26:49] spk_0: I'm only laughing because you said it. I am laughing because you said it. If not, I would not be laughing at all. I just wanna make sure

[00:26:56] spk_1: no, no little interest. My daughter the other day told somebody that she thought that I was a child. So and it's it's okay. It's just stuff I deal with, but that But it for May, it's things that I know my body. I know myself and the importance and what we talk a lot about is only yourself. So others don't own you walk out in your confidence, walk out on who you are and just learning grow. So once they get over that first initial that you're not that I'm not 12 and I'm I'm actually halfway smart. But then we can get into the conversations. But assumptions are always gonna happen. I can't avoid them.

[00:27:36] spk_0: Yeah, I I think I would play into the whole thing. Just try to pretend that you're a child and that you have so much knowledge and safety. Just I mean, use whatever angle you can. Of course,

[00:27:43] spk_1: yes. I got my degree. And the masters, when I was e

[00:27:50] spk_0: mean for the people that are in my age Demo, You could say Doogie Howser, they'll know exactly what you're talking about. People in the millennials probably be like, What the hell does that even mean? But that's a whole other

[00:27:58] spk_1: story. Eso What do you

[00:28:02] spk_0: enjoy the most out of the things that you do? Because you do several different things? I've noticed that. You know, when the more information I was able to find about you, you don't limit yourself and you do some different things. Now, as far as I went back, there is something on there that I'm not sure if you want me to talk about it. But I want to mention it. You at one point where a model as well.

[00:28:21] spk_1: God, Yes, Yes. O

[00:28:24] spk_0: E. I mean, it's something that you did.

[00:28:27] spk_1: Yeah. So I tried. I tried. I like, I don't know. There's that has taught me so much about life because whenever you model, the interesting aspect of that is that everything is critiqued about you. And one of the things that I have found in the work that I do is that so many people struggle with perfection. It's like, How do we have the perfect conversation? How do we get this out like the right way? Do we get the lights on it when we get agreement from the C suite like all these different things that come with it because they have to make it perfect for them to go forward. So what I found is a lot of times is that perfection really hurts action. And so what we talk a lot about is progression. And I and I will say I learned that from my modeling days that it's all about learning how to make yourself look better in the next next post next. And like people think like modeling. Oh, they just smile and the wave, you know or whatnot it. Actually, your it's more to that. But it's still it's a life lesson that taught me something, Um, and it's also something that I will say that I try to stray away from to a bit because there's a lot of vanity with it and the people pleasing aspect of it, really all that I guess would take homes together to make who I am today to be unapologetically bold, not worrying what people think not want him to be. This perfect human, Um, but just be me and being rail.

[00:30:03] spk_0: So a couple questions there, then were you interested in modeling first or the physiology portion first? Which one came, came to path?

[00:30:12] spk_1: Uh, definitely modeling, because it paid $65 an hour and I was in college. It was a

[00:30:25] spk_0: honest, It's honest. I like it for sure. I like it. So as you look at this has this kind of It's a terrible word, but I'm gonna use it anyways. Do you feel that this is Jay? Did you? And how you look at certain things because of you know, the glitz and glam of the modeling world and then which it's proceed by the public. So when you look at things now, especially when you're diving into into organizations, do you kind of look through the through the malarkey, as people would say, before you are able to find some of the deep dives, you know, kind of like the Steve Jobs approach where they always You always said that it needs to be pretty on the outside and on the inside. You, when you go in there, do you take a look and go, Hey, because of my modeling experience, I can see you know what is glitz and glam before you can really get into the very good stuff that might be hidden inside of the organization?

[00:31:13] spk_1: Yeah, I would say that that did flow through to it. I would say more of my background and just how humans are designed. Like I'm really good at reading people and the ability to see if they're they're just calling Bs on things. Um

[00:31:29] spk_0: Oh, God, what do you say about me with this is done. I'm now I'm getting

[00:31:32] spk_1: a little worried. I can't see your facial expressions. I love reading compressions. I love reading people. Um, the quick read that I could have is your riel, and that's what I like. You, in essence, would be described as a hot human who is humble, open and transparent, like I could tell by the ability for you to even look back on things that most people don't even ask about being my modeling. So you have an eye for, in essence investigation and seeing things. So that's cool for me. Um, and it makes me have a fun conversation again. I think people are cool. So I'm all about talking and learning and growing from others. Well,

[00:32:12] spk_0: and I and I, I appreciate what you said there. Um, I guess because of my research background, that's what I dio tried to look at these things that most people normally would not approach. Um, and then I normally sometimes get in trouble when I do approach them. But if it's there, if it's on the Web, I could normally find it is not that difficult to dio. So now if people want to know more about you and your organization and the podcast, what do they need to dio

[00:32:35] spk_1: eso? You can find me on LinkedIn at Emily L. Rod M. H s a master's health science. Or you can also go toe works. P dot comments W o r k z b e dot com. So work. See?

[00:32:51] spk_0: Well, Emily, I have to tell you we're gonna have to do this again. This could not just be a one off, and it never happened again. I really did enjoy the time today with you. I appreciate you coming on to the show.

[00:32:59] spk_1: Well, thank you. It was fun.

[00:33:01] spk_0: Well, this brings another episode of the J. Allen show to an end. I hope you enjoyed our conversation today with Emily L Ride E. I enjoyed it so much that I have made Emily and offer Emily will be coming on with her show unapologetically bold to the safety FM network. Beyond the lookout for some or information on that. Anyways, if you want to know more about what we have going on in safety FM, you could go to safety FM dot com for more information. Keep in mind that we stream across the multiverse of safety FM 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You go to safety FM dot com to find out more information or to download the IOS app for the apple app or even the Alexa Skill Safety FM is the home of real safety talk. This will bring this episode of the J. Allen show to an end. We'll be back before too long. Good bye for now. Want more of the J. Allen Show you? Safety FM dot com.

[00:34:24] spk_1: The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available, as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast, maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical Elektronik recording or otherwise, without prior written commission of the creator of the podcast, Jay Allen.