The Sales Psyched Podcast
Ep 0: Welcome to Sales Psyched!
April 13, 2021
Join Dr. Chris Croner, sales psychologist, every Monday, for Sales Psyched!, a sales enhancement program of short but proven sales management techniques as well as direct tips for your team to apply the massive power of psychology to drive sales performance.

Episode 0: Welcome to Sales Psyched!

Resumes lie! Hold that thought...

Have you ever been frustrated by a salesperson who looked great in the interview but didn't met your expectations? Or have you ever wondered how to take your current sales team's performance to the next level? My name is Dr. Chris Croner. I hold a Ph.D. in Psychology and my speciality is Sales. I have helped thousands of companies build high-performance sales teams, and now it’s your turn! 

Throughout this podcast, you will learn:

So, join me, every Monday, for Sales Psyched!, a sales enhancement program of short but proven sales management techniques as well as direct tips for your team to apply the massive power of psychology to drive sales performance.

Don't Miss an Episode - Subscribe for Free Now!

Subscribe to this podcast today and in episode 1, I will discuss how to review resumes and spot real potential.

More About SalesDrive, LLC

At SalesDrive, LLC, we help companies perfect the salesperson hiring process by offering a variety of tools, like a sales assessment and psychologically-based interview guides, that aid companies in never hiring a bad salesperson again. SalesDrive was founded in 2005 based on the single biggest frustration many companies face, selecting sales candidates who interviewed well, only to flame out when placed on the line. Dr. Croner reviewed more than 80 years of academic research as well as his own work in conducting intensive behavioral interviews and discovered that high-performance salespeople shared three innate personality traits. After identifying a gap in the marketplace, he went on to develop The DriveTest® sales assessment. The only sales assessment to measure the three non-teachable traits necessary for new business acquisition.

If you are hiring salespeople, request a free DriveTest assessment: and never hire a bad salesperson again!



[soft melody theme music]

[00:00] Chris Croner: Resumes lie! Hold that thought for a minute...

Business owners and sales managers. Have you ever been frustrated by a salesperson who looked great in the interview but didn't meet your expectations? Or have you ever wondered how to take your current team's performance to the next level?

[00:20]  My name is Doctor Chris Croner. I hold a PhD in psychology and my specialty is sales. I've helped over 1000 companies build high performance sales teams and now it's your turn.

[00:38]  Join us and you'll learn that resumes often lie. They can be total fake outs unless you can cut through the veneer and discover the real tells that indicate true sales potential. I'll show you how to really read a resume.

[00:51]  You'll learn that four out of five people who apply to your sales job don't have the three non teachable traits essential for new business development. I'll show you how to select only high potential salespeople for the privilege of interviewing with you.

[01:07]  You'll learn that high drive salespeople are motivated and inspired by more than money. I'll show you what really lights their fire to drive revenue higher and higher for you.

[01:18]  So join me, every Monday for Sales Psyched, a sales enhancement program of short but proven sales management techniques as well as direct tips for your team to apply the massive power of psychology to drive sales performance.

[01:35]  I promise you, I will honor your time with brevity and your sales goals with hard science and results.

[01:42]  Subscribe to this podcast today and in episode one, we'll discuss how to review resumes and spot real sales potential.