Building a Tech Startup from Estonia to Space | EP29.S1 with Jaan Viru
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
Building a Tech Startup from Estonia to Space | EP29.S1 with Jaan Viru
July 24, 2021
Jaan Viru is an Estonian entrepreneur & developer focusing on Space Technologies, IoT, and Automotive. Jaan is currently serving as CPO at Biig Technologies Inc. while working on his space project, Crystalspace, a vacuum chamber camera. We discuss his journey, building a tech company and the space industry.
For more information check: Crystal Space - Krakul - Biig
Short video with Jaan


GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business and tech for good, experience design and ggutt feelings. It is aimed at  corporates, professionals, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in building, growing or pivoting businesses and data-driven products with impact. Guests are entrepreneurs, investors and industry leaders.

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