Sit, Breathe, Bow
Jason Quinn, JDPSN
August 20, 2018
What is my job as a human being?
Jason Quinn, JDPSN, began practicing Zen in 1997 with the Dharma Sound Zen Center in Seattle. In 1999, feeling ready for a deeper commitment, he moved into the Providence Zen Center to train as a monk where he lived for the following nine years sitting several 90 and 30-day retreats. Jason received inka, or permission to teach, in 2015. He is Vice Abbot at the Empty Gate Zen Center in Berkeley, CA and guides the Kwan Um School of Zen's Online Sangha. Presently he lives in Santa Clara, CA with his wife and children and leads retreats throughout the United States.
Sit, Breathe, Bow is hosted by Ian White Maher
Sit, Breathe, Bow is hosted by The Providence Zen Center