Episode 106: Shopify or Magento for Ecommerce
June 11, 2018
Chris Ayers is somewhat of an enterprise e-commerce expert, and he joins Chase Raz to talk about the other end of the market. What solution should you pick if you're just starting your newest venture? Does Shopify or some other subscription service make sense for you or will Magento or a similar open source software package serve you better? Chase and Chris explore, compare, and rate each solution with Multinewmedia's CAPU Rating System in this episode.
Chris Ayers is somewhat of an enterprise e-commerce expert, and he joins Chase Raz to talk about the other end of the market. What solution should you pick if you're just starting your newest venture? Does Shopify or some other subscription service make sense for you or will Magento or a similar open source software package serve you better? Chase and Chris explore, compare, and rate each solution with Multinewmedia's CAPU Rating System in this episode.