Strategic Families
26 - Can We Actually Be Thankful for Inflation?
March 27, 2022
Everything is more expensive now -- that's no longer news. The question for us as families is: how will we respond in this moment? In this episode, we encourage your family to think of it as an opportunity -- yes, an opportunity -- to teach your kids -- and remind yourself -- that God is in control. He's not surprised in the least. This is a moment of "tightening the belt" for many families, including ours. But it's also a moment to lean into the LORD and be thankful for His goodness and provision.
Everything is more expensive now -- that's no longer news. The question for us as families is: how will we respond in this moment? In this episode, we encourage your family to think of it as an opportunity -- yes, an opportunity -- to teach your kids -- and remind yourself -- that God is in control. He's not surprised in the least. This is a moment of "tightening the belt" for many families, including ours. But it's also a moment to lean into the LORD and be thankful for His goodness and provision.

In this episode, we discuss:

Scriptures referenced:

References & Resources:


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