Heart Sells! with Christine Schlonski
241 Gino Wickman - The Entrepreneurial Leap
June 10, 2020
Now that you know what it takes to be an entrepreneur and if you are cut out to be one, we go deep on the mistakes to avoid on your journey. I am very excited to have Gino Wickman back on Heart Sells! Podcast. Gino is an entrepreneur since the age of...

Now that you know what it takes to be an entrepreneur and if you are cut out to be one, we go deep on the mistakes to avoid on your journey. I am very excited to have Gino Wickman back on Heart Sells! Podcast. Gino is an entrepreneur since the age of 21 and he has had an obsession for learning what makes businesses and entrepreneurs thrive. He is now devoting time and energy toward helping entrepreneurs-in-the-making get a huge jump-start on taking their entrepreneurial leap, which is why he created EntrepreneurialLeap.