Relationships First
Relationship With Yourself Part 6: Change Your Mindset Change Your Past
November 1, 2022
How does my mindset change my past? That's a great question and one that David Dubé shares in this episode. Your perception of your past often shapes the vision of your future. When you alter your mind and the way you look at the world, your new vision of life will bring new clarity to your past and therefore change your future.
Your mindset is key to transforming your life.

Our mindsets are built up by our beliefs of good, bad, right, and wrong. These beliefs are then reflected upon our life experiences which create our perception of our lives up to this point in time in our lives. This is how we have decided whether or not we view ourselves as winners or losers, successes or failures.

The crazy part of all of this is if we decide now to change our belief from "failure" to "learning opportunity" then that changes our past. This allows us to look back upon our past "failures" and analyze them and take our new thought of "learning opportunity" and glean something from that situation, turning it from a "failure" into a "learning opportunity".

Now, you've played back your past "failure" in your head several times and realized that what you defined as a failure is now a learning experience. Next time you're in a similar situation you now know you won't do what you did last time and you will experience a better outcome.

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