First Responders Report
Podcast 4 | Making Money w/ Youtube
February 4, 2022
This is first podcast of February 2022. We're going to be covering what this month's topic is, which is YouTube Money for Beginners. And the first one is going to be six types of videos to create on YouTube to make money and a little bit about myself.
My name is Ray Briant. I'm an active serving firefighter serving in the capacity of Battalion chief in one of the Busier fire departments in South Florida. And when I'm not at the firehouse, I often say I have two of the best jobs in the world. I get to help people, not only in my community as a firefighter, but I get to help people online as the owner of a digital marketing company called Think Big Websites. And it's always been a passion of mine to help others online.

Excited to share this weeks podcast on how to make money on Youtube.  This is first podcast of February 2022. We're going to be covering what this month's topic is, which is YouTube Money for Beginners. And the first one is going to be six types of videos to create on YouTube to make money and a little bit about myself.

And recently I've decided to focus my attention to first responders. So if you're a firefighter, police officer, nurse, paramedic EMS, or a family member of a firefighter, first responder military EMS, you definitely should be taking note of what I'm saying here. If you are interested in learning how to create a side hustle, one quick Disclaimer. When I say side hustle, this is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a method proven method that I have personally have done.

And I'm going to share with you what I personally, currently still do in order to generate anywhere from it could be $50, $70 a month to several hundred dollars a month. And it's all done passively. So I do one thing one time and it sits out there on the internet and it generates revenue for me. And I'll show you some videos in this podcast for those of you who are viewing this on the YouTube channel. And if you're listening to this, when I share them, just type in the URL that I say and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Or if you're on my blog, just click the links and I'm going to provide that go along with this video. So that's a little bit about myself. All this information you could also find at first And this month I am giving away this month's article called Six Types of Videos to Create YouTube Money for Beginners. If you are interested in the membership, we go over much more than just one thing a month.

We go over all the different ways that you can make money online. And it's a look over my shoulder. It's community driven, it has the ability to contact me directly, and I will help you to the best of my ability. There's tremendous bonuses inside the membership that you do not get with just the monthly free subscription. But the monthly membership has some really amazing bonuses that way exceed the cost of the membership.

And speaking of the cost of the membership, currently it's free for the first 30 days no obligation. So you can get it at You can take everything that you want and no obligation. There's absolutely zero contract if you like what you see realize every month it's going to be loaded with new content, new information, and the ability to work directly with me and it's at a far reduced price and that price is going to be going up soon. So get in while you can.

If this is something that you are interested in now, talking about YouTube, there are certain things that you're going to have to do as a minimum first and let me just get these out of the way. So in order to be a YouTube content creator and to be able to generate money online with YouTube, you need to have at least 1000 subscribers. So those are people that have actually clicked on a button to subscribe to your YouTube channel. You need 4000 watch time hours on your videos over the last twelve months. So that's a lot of watch time hours if you only have a few videos.

But if you wind up being prolific with your videos and putting a lot of them out there, then it's not going to take as long. And if your videos are 2345 minutes long, that will help accelerate the watch time hours. And then you have to comply with the YouTube's policies and guidelines, understanding that you can get slapped. You can get kind of demonetised if you do something that's politically sensitive is the best way that I can say it. And then you also have to have an AdSense account.

The AdSense account is the way that YouTube is actually going to pay you. Adsense is a property of Google. Google owns YouTube. So it's the way that their payment method to you is through something called AdSense. So just Google AdSense, you'll see the process to sign up.

It's really not that complicated. You do have to submit some business and tax information, obviously, which in order to get paid these days in any kind of industry, you have to do it. So there's nothing out of the norm, pretty straightforward. So once you get that all set up, then you have to kind of come to the decision what type of videos am I going to make? And that's where I created this guide for this month talking about the six different types of videos.

This month talking about YouTube money and how to make it with the creation of videos. We talked about the requirements, assuming that you have those requirements dialed in and you're working on those. Now, six types of videos, these are in no specific order. Each one of these could be super successful.

#1 - Polarizing videos

So for those that are listening to the podcast, a Polarizing video could be anything from a football team that you love, that you want to comment on and you want to post your review of that sport. Because for every person who loves your team, there's somebody who hates your team. So that's an excellent way to get a Polarizing video that will be engaging with viewers. Comments will be coming plenty full.

Make sure you have thick skin, but there's not any first responder that I know that doesn't have thick skin. So be prepared for comments and those kinds of things coming along with your Polarizing video. So it could be sports. It could even be the truck you drive. Like I drive a Ram truck.

If I post something about how I think Ram trucks are amazing, obviously the Ford lovers out there are going to say and have a difference of opinion on that. So it could be anything that you are passionate about and you could put that out there. Favorite sport team, maybe your favorite MMA fighter, your favorite truck. Those are just some basic examples of Polarizing type videos.

#2 Funny videos

If you're a firefighter, you already know about Fire Department Chronicles. If you don't know because you're not a firefighter or maybe you are and you just never heard of them, which is very odd. This guy does an amazing job with funny videos. So Google search or go to YouTube and type in Fire Department Chronicles. You'll get to see him in action.

I personally got to meet him. Super nice guy, really down to Earth and very clever, very creative. He's much more than Fire Department Chronicles. He's got a brand, he's got a lot of great things going behind the scenes, and he's just exponentially kicking butt online. So check out Fire Department Chronicles for an example of funny videos.

Now, it doesn't have to be fire department or first responder related. If you just have a good talent for creating a funny video or you captured something funny that's online or you captured something funny yourself and you want to put it online, go ahead and see what you have. That's why shows like America's Funniest Videos are still online today. People love to watch funny videos.

#3 Educational videos

I love to help people solve problems. Just like this video and podcast is helping you understand how to make money online. Educational videos are a great way that you can grow a following because think about a problem that people are experiencing and then do a video that shows a solution and you'll have success in the YouTube monetization of that video.

#4 News and current event videos.

Another firefighter that I know I had the honor and privilege of being on his podcast.

And hopefully you'll see that soon. Is the Economic Ninja. Go to YouTube, check out Economic Ninja. Just type it in and you will see my man, my friend who goes by Economic Ninja.  

Amazing what he has done online. His YouTube channel is probably about a year old. And when I first saw it, he had less than probably a few thousand subscribers. Currently, as the day of this recording, he's got 165,000 subscribers. So he is absolutely killing it online.

His YouTube monetization, I don't know what it is, but I know it's generous and it's probably pretty amazing. So that's an example of taking his passion of staying up to date on news and current events, putting his own unique style to it, and creating a very powerful YouTube platform. Matter of fact, I did some analytics on his YouTube channel. His viewers and his watch time rivals some of the major platforms out there. So he's really at the spear of doing it right.

I mean, it's just amazing. So he's an excellent example of how news and current event videos could be a way to making money online for you.

#5 Pet videos

Everybody loves dog and cat videos. So if you're one of those that has a dog or cat and you want to capture your pet doing something funny or just how you take care of your pet, cat, dog, whatever it is, pet video.

Think about how you can make that into a video. People love their pets. And if you do too, then you could share your videos with other pet lovers. Search YouTube right now and type in your pet type. And you'll certainly find plenty of examples online of what you could be doing as well and realize that you doing it even though somebody else has done it doesn't make a difference because you're unique.

Everybody is unique. What I'm doing, how I'm doing it is unique from somebody else. And when you compare or when you can not compare, when you combine your uniqueness with a story, you get a unique product. So if you have an idea and then you add you being unique, you come up with a unique idea. So don't worry about that at all.

#6 Product reviews

I personally do this. So if you go into YouTube and you type in, for example, redline flashlight and you type in search, you're going to find my video. It's been out there for nine years. I got 46,000 views on it right now.

Now that pays me via Amazon affiliate Commission as well as it pays me via YouTube monetization. So I'm double dipping here. I get paid by YouTube, a small percentage of advertisers who have provided their marketing on top of my video as well as people who watch my video and click the link. I get a small percentage of people who buy that flashlight from Amazon. That's all under the classification of product reviews.

Now just to go a little bit deep on this for a second, a product review or a video on YouTube also is a great way to take that same exact video and put it onto a website. Now, I've done that on my firefighter Maltese cross website. This is an affiliate based website that I created and on this I have a blog or a news section and I talk about flashlight reviews. And on that blog post, which is a recent blog post, even though the video is nine years old, I put an embedded that video onto this website. So now that video that I created nine years ago has provided me not only compensation from a YouTube monetization standpoint, but compensation from an Amazon standpoint as well as a way to generate traffic to a website.

And people can see my review on this as well. So using content in many different forms, repurposing that content is an extremely beneficial way to get out there and make money online with your YouTube marketing. So think of it from ways that you could exponentially work your videos into other type of online assets. So those are the six ways that you can generate YouTube money online. For more information, as always, you can go to first responders

This month you get a free month, no obligation into the membership. And as always, these reports are free, so take advantage of it. This month I hope that you like this podcast. This was actually shot from my office location, not my home office. Next week we'll take a look at the studio which is right on the other side of this wall.

I'll show you my video studio where we shoot and record videos for clients and I'll show you how maybe some of the simple ways that you can take your YouTube video to the next level and that will be the theme for the month of February is YouTube marketing and how to make money online. Thanks guys. Hope you like this podcast. Makes share subscribe like do all those things that it says to do on this website. Thanks again.

Have a great day.
