The Community Corner with Beth McIntyre
Building and Boosting Your Community Engagement with Maxwell Lyons
January 13, 2022
Today, we’re joined by Maxwell Lyons, a Community Manager at Course Hero. Maxwell shares how they drive engagement in their community, and how through a combination of feedback and data, they know what kind of programming their community wants. He also explains how going virtual has had a positive impact on the community. Course Hero is an online learning platform with over sixty million course-specific study resources for students to access worldwide. These resources consist of practice problems, study guides, test prep materials, etc. As a Community Manager, Maxwell manages thirty of their on-campus representatives with the Student Community team. The members of the community get various benefits. The community offers support to each other as they seek ways to grow student engagement and offer support to other students at schools around the world while on their learning journey. To drive engagement in the community, the team uses slack workspaces and advice channels, incentives, bonuses, specific events, and more. Though the community programs change, it's important to get feedback from on-campus reps, listen to their thoughts, be open to further changes, and adapt. Also, get the most out of the virtual experience by engaging with your community.

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