The Impact Multiplier CEO
Two levers that make you an 'exponentially impactful' leader (S14E04)
February 22, 2024
If you’re a successful entrepreneur or CEO or - more generally - you’ve got a great track record of success, how can you multiply the impact you’re already making?
I’ve found there are two key approaches - and the crazy thing is that most leaders focus almost exclusively on one, which means they’re performing well below their potential.

In this episode, we'll explore what these two levers of personal impact are, so that you can make bigger things happen with less blood, sweat, and tears.

You'll learn
The two ways you can 10X your impact beyond your existing level of success
The "forgotten lever" that even top leaders regularly overlook
Real-life examples of putting these ideas into practice - and rapidly seeing business benefits

Find out more about Rivendell, our exclusive programme for visionary CEOs of $20M-200M+ businesses determined to 10X their financial success and 10X their positive impact on the world
If you want to become a more strategic and impactful leader Impact Accelerator is a unique development programme for ambitious executives who want to lead at a new level.

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Discover The CEO Upgrade. A free 5-day strategic leadership challenge for rising-star CEOs.

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00:00 Intro
06:24 Taking a strategic leap forward
09:53 Focusing on tasks, goals, anxiety, losing connection
11:15 Be strategic, magnetic, and inspire with purpose
14:13 Clients want someone with personality, not just suits