Sell Your Brilliance Virtual Summit
Expanding our Mission Beyond What We Think We are Capable of Now
January 9, 2024
Are you keeping yourself small by not going for what you truly want? Learn how to liberate your perspective to understand what it is you have to let go of in order to start on a new level. Join Michele on this journey to self-actualization, evolution, and expansion.
Key Takeaways:
-Learn about the S.E.L.L. method, an energetic strategy to attract opportunities and clients.
-Expand your brilliance by visualizing yourself as a higher version and explore your brilliance archetype.
-Be open to reinventing yourself and releasing expectations in order to grow and create the highest and best version of you.
-Collect data on what is not working, seek outside help, and let go of attachments to create something remarkable.

Resource: How Energetics Can Align Your Purpose & Grow Your Business
Brilliance Archetype Quiz