Relationships First
How Time Affects Your Relationships
September 22, 2022
Welcome to Relationships First, in this episode David shares the 3 versions of time in which people experience. All of us experience these versions, however, there are still some who often stay in the non-helpful versions for extended periods of time. Today, you will know the difference between the versions of time, how to know which one you and others are in, and hopefully be able to help move yourself and others into the most effective version of time. Join our private community where you can give us show ideas, ask your burning relationship questions, and get more direct answers and advice. Join by visiting
Time is confusing to many people as they lack an understanding of the power of time. One must understand the power of time in order to take advantage of its use properly. There are 3 versions of time in which we often find ourselves. All of us, without exception, will experience all 3 versions, however, in the understanding of time we can modify our experience in the moment to make time work for us instead of against us.

The 3 versions of time are: Out of Time, Because of Time, and In Time.

Out of Time is someone who's in constant overwhelm. They never have enough time to get the things done they want to get done and are always experiencing the feeling of not enough. 

Because of Time is someone who's living their life in reactionary mode. All things that occur are never because of them but something outside of them, causing their lives to constantly be in a reactionary mode. 

In Time is the only version where the individual is in complete control of their circumstances - or at least has the understanding that whatever they're experiencing at that moment, they are in control over themselves and themselves only, enabling them to focus on what's important. 

Time is a moldable experience for all, it's often just how we manage ourselves and the things we're able to control in our lives. 

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