NFT Headlines with Metaverse Land Club
Minting Takashi Murakami Flowers NFT
March 30, 2022
In today's episode we discuss the Murakami Flowers drop.
We've been building quietly and wanted to share all the progress we've made so far. Here are some updates: 

1. Metaverse Land Club has a fresh look and a new website 
2. We received our OpenSea API license so we can begin developing our analysis tools 
3. We acquired source code for a trading bot and will plan to develop a front-end when we start whitelisting for MLC 

If you've read the white paper, then you know MLC is also a launchpad for NFT project founders. MLC NFT holders will get first dibs to any launchpad project mints. 

To learn about one of our launchpad projects that is whitelisting now, join us for an AMA tonight at 7pm CST. There will be an opportunity for everyone who attends to get a slot on the whitelist.

In today's episode, we talked about the following:

1. Murakami Flowers:
2. Liverpool Football Club NFT:
3. The Walking Dead Vox Collectibles (TWD):
4. Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) -
5. 0xAllow - whitelist registration tool -
6. BAYC tax evasion?
7. Maison Ghost Discord Fiasco

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