Nutrition Heretic
Beyond Organic; Healing Our Soil; Remediating Fukushima Radiation; Guest Jeremiah Hinton of Maxwell Farms
March 24, 2016
It's no secret that factory farming has eroded our top soil, but is organic really the answer? Many people are surprised to know that while organics are better to eat than conventional foods because of the reduced pesticide use, they still deplete our soils at an alarming rate. So what IS the answer? This week, our guest, Jeremiah Hinton of Maxwell Farms explains the benefits of building the microorganisms in soil with Bokashi composting, fish emulsion and other cheap soil-building techniques that use ingredients that might already be in your kitchen. These natural farming techniques will leave your soil healthier and more nutrient rich than before you planted your crops! For those who aren't ready to start soaking fish guts in sugar, Jeremiah sells his fish emulsion on his website at