Life Back On Track
Where were you ten years ago?
September 29, 2021
Life can be very short and one of our most valuable resources is our time. In this episode, we look at a couple of questions that you should ponder regularly. If you have any questions or feedback, you can send an email to I also have a weekly online radio show called “All About Relationships” that is broadcast live on Thursdays at 6:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT and replayed on Sundays at 2:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT. You can also listen to all of the episodes through my podcast. Just search “Wayne Brown All About Relationships”
Hi, This is Wayne Brown from Life Back on Track. Welcome to the latest episode.

In this one, I want to talk to you about our most valuable resource, and sadly, it's one that we are inclined to not treat as valuably as we should, and that is time. Our time is something that once it is gone, we can't get any more of it.

We can get more money, we can get more assets, we can get more experiences, but we can't get any more time. Once it's gone, it's gone. And this is what I want to talk to you about today because the whole aim of these podcasts that I'm recording, all of the information that I create to be able to help people is to ensure that they don't get caught in like a Groundhog Day. They're not repeating the same year of their life over and over again. In fact, each year is better than the previous one.

So this episode we are getting you to look at where you were a year ago, where you were five years ago, where you were 10 years ago, and to see how different it is to where you are now. So, for example, if I looked at my own life, I know that my relationship with my wife is improving as time goes on, I know that my business is improving. I know that my relationships with my friends and my sons is improving, my ability to deal with various aspects of life. All the challenges that come with it is improving and getting better and better.

If I compared my life to 10 years ago when I was just ending my second marriage, I could quite honestly say that my life now is vastly different to what it was back then. Therefore, I know I'm making progress. Therefore, I know I'm making good use of my time. I also want to look at where I'm going. I want to make sure that in 10 years' time, my life will be improved again on what I have now.

This is what I want you to think about is, where has your life improved in the last 5, 10 years, and where do you envisage it being in another five or 10 years? Because if you feel that your life isn't going to be improving, then you need to be doing some work around making that improvement happen, because you are choosing, chewing up your most valuable resource, which is your time, if your relationships are not getting better, if your career choice isn't getting better, if your relationship with your children or your parenting skills are not getting better. If your conflict resolution isn't getting better, then you need to do something now before you run out of time, because something we are not guaranteed is tomorrow. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

Therefore, because of this, you want to make sure that everything is as good as it can be and everything is improving. So basically, that's all for today's episode which was an opportunity for myself to show you or to put in front of you an opportunity to assess and look back on the journey of your life and where you've been and also where you're going. So therefore, you can look at the results that are working, and you can keep doing those because they're moving you forward. They're improving your life and look at things that may not be working as well, so that you can refine them or learn a new skill.

So therefore, your results are going to be different in the years to come, rather than just repeating the same results you've had before. The one thing I know and the one thing that I tend to hammer my sons about is the making changes. Now don't wait 5, 10, 20 years to make the change. Make the change now, reap the benefit of your efforts.

Make your life as good as they can be. And the only way they can get better is if each year is an improvement on the previous one. So there you go. That's today's episode. Super quick, Super short. Straight to the point. Where's your life been? Where's it going?

So have a good think about where you can improve and where you want your life to be. If you want to leave a little ninety second message and let me know some of your story, there's a link in the show notes, and you can send me a ninety second voice message and let me know what your journey has been like and where it's going to. Other than that, look after yourself, keep practising and remember, here's to a good life

You can listen to the Life Back On Track podcast on your favourite platform by visiting our podcast website. Click HERE to check it out. 

You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

Thanks for listening.

You can listen to the Life Back On Track podcast on your favourite platform by visiting our podcast website. Click HERE to check it out. 

You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

You can also check out our website by clicking HERE

Thanks for listening.