Mind Witchery
New Moon in Cancer: CENTERING
July 8, 2021
Ohhhhh my friend. This New Moon in Cancer is GOOD, and has your back, front, and both sides, too. In this episode, I tease out some of the significance of Cancer’s symbol (The Crab) and its ruler (The Moon). I also share two favorite quotations by...

Ohhhhh my friend. This New Moon in Cancer is GOOD, and has your back, front, and both sides, too.

In this episode, I tease out some of the significance of Cancer’s symbol (The Crab) and its ruler (The Moon).

I also share two favorite quotations by two brilliant women, and (as always) give you a bunch of questions for your New Moon reflecting pleasure!


My insightful astrology teacher, Austin Coppock.

Intuitive astrologer Katie Sweetman.

Money mindset mentor Denise DT.

Make Magic:

Self-reflect with the questions from today’s episode, all collected in this New Moon Worksheet.

Bring your reflections to life by taking tiny, totally doable steps. Over time, small adjustments create huge shifts.