Masters of Community with David Spinks
How to Keep Localized Communities Buzzing with Dani Weinstein
November 8, 2021
In this episode of Masters of Community, we speak with Dani Weinstein, Senior Director of Customer Community and Growth at Kaltura. Dani is a Community Builder, Strategist, and Advisor that enables customer success. In one of his previous roles before the pandemic layoff, he was the Head of Global Community at Domo, a business cloud that empowers organizations of all sizes with BI leverage at cloud scale in record time. At Domo, he deployed and scaled their community in English and Japanese and cultivated community advocates through gamification to become Domo brand ambassadors. Localized communities are tough to get started but keeping them buzzing with level interactions is an even bigger challenge. In this episode, Dani and David take us through when to start and how to best manage large localized communities. Gamification has been a major contributor of engagement for Dani’s previous communities so his tips and tactics to keep your community members engaged are tried and tested. Who is this episode for? Managers of large global/multilingual communities Three key takeaways: 1. Managing Contribution in Communities: Let superfans talk to your product teams and celebrate their contribution, gamify their contribution so they don’t lose motivation, and then create a private space for them. Start with one space and then as the conversation starts siphoning, create more spaces based on what conversational directions members regularly take. Starting with too many spaces may lead to spreading your community team too thin. 2. Internationalization of Communities: Calibrate the business needs and understand the landscape of potential community users in a new language. An existing and active audience of customers and leads in a new language is necessary before expanding your community to the new language. The more members you have in your community that speak that language, the more dedicated resources and money you will need to manage its complexity. However, the localized community may not need all the bells and whistles of your largest English-speaking community. 3. Managing Multilingual Content in Localized Communities: Great content in English (as judged by managers and superusers in the localized community) needs to be translated into localized languages for language-specific boards. You can use the Google Translate Widget if your company doesn't have enough resources to scale the translation effort. Notable Quotes: 1. “These are your people. And so you want to be able to develop that more intimate relationship with them. They could also provide tremendous insight on what they're seeing because, at the end of the day, they become part of the extended team.” 2. “You really have to start small. And so we really forced at the very beginning, very few boards around conversations. And then over time, you can actually see the customers dictating, not necessarily your support, product, and sales teams.” Answers to rapid-fire questions: 1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would that food be? Pasta Marinara. 2. What's the most impactful book you've ever read or a book that you love to give as a gift to others? “Winning Ugly” by Tennis coach Brad Gilbert. 3, What language do you wish you could speak and why? Russian because his family’s roots go back to Russia. He’s fluent in Hebrew and conversational in Spanish and German and even knows a word or two in French, Dutch, Arabic, and Italian. 4. What's your wildest community story? He gave an award to a brand-new Domo Admin who wore a superman costume that matched his display picture in the community. A brand new customer later, during happy hour, asked Dani about taking a “selfie with superman”. 5. Have you ever worn socks with sandals? Never. 6. Who in the world of the community would you most like to take out for lunch? Holly Firestone of Venafi. 7. What community product do you wish existed in the world? A tailored localized experience so that you can consume your content and engage in the experience you want. 8. What's the weirdest community you've ever been a part of? A community where they traded recorded cassette tapes of concerts by the Grateful Dead rock band. 9. One Tweet-sized life advice you would give to the world on your deathbed? Seize the day, travel, see the world, learn another language, experience another culture, and connect with different types of people.
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