What Would Jeff Do? #891 Dog Training Q & A
Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?
What Would Jeff Do? #891 Dog Training Q & A
October 29, 2022
This episode originally aired on October 28th, 2022 In this episode, Jeff and Joelle answer a listener's question with a discussion of the difference between the "out" command and the "no" command and when to use each command. Also, how to socialize a new puppy: "You want your dog to be social, but you don't want your dog to walk up to everybody." This and more real-world discussion of success with "The Puppy Course" and Green to Graduate.
This episode originally aired on October 28th, 2022
In this episode, Jeff and Joelle answer a listener's question with a discussion of the difference between the "out" command and the "no" command and when to use each command. Also, how to socialize a new puppy:  "You want your dog to be social, but you don't want your dog to walk up to everybody." This and more real-world discussion of success with "The Puppy Course" and Green to Graduate.

Join Jeff LIVE for Q&A on Facebook and YouTube. We are on 6-7pm EST on Wednesday and Friday for WWJD Dog Training Q&A. Our single-topic show is on five days a week, Mon-Friday 8AM EST.
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