The Gold Exchange Podcast
Ep - 42 Maximilian Göbel: Can Central Banks Slay the Zombie Hordes?
October 3, 2022
Zombie researcher Maximilian Göbel joins Keith and Ben on the Gold Exchange Podcast to talk about the scariest creatures the Fed has created, ZOMBIES! Will hordes of zombie corporations take over our economy? How serious of a threat are zombies? Are zombies increasing or decreasing? What IS a zombie corporation? Find out the answers to all of these questions and more for the first installment of Monetary Metals Zombie Month, all this October!

Connect with Maximilian:

Connect with Keith Weiner and Monetary Metals on Twitter: @RealKeithWeiner @Monetary_Metals

Additional Resources
Per Bylund Podcast
Zombie Research
Zombie Talk with Max
The Fed’s Zugzwang Position
The Dollar Milkshake Episode
Theory of Interest and Prices
Get the full transcript

Podcast Chapters

00:0000:43 Spooky Intro
00:423:16 Maximilian Göbel
3:168:58 What are Zombie Firms?
8:5812:52 Zombie Firms
12:5216:56 Zombies and the Credit Gradient
16:5620:02 Bastiat, Per Bylund and Zombies
20:0222:12 The Death of Market Dynamism
22:1224:56 Falling Rates and the Benefits of Zombies
24:5632:05 Rising Rates vs Zombies
32:0539:30 Foreign Zombies and the Dollar Milkshake Theory
39:3050:57 The Fed and the State of the Zombie Research
50:5753:18 Free Market Zombies and Late Stage Central Bankism
53:1857:00 The Zombification of the Economy
57:0059:05 Max’s Research
59:0559:44 Outro Mwahaha

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