HOP Into Action Podcast Series
Learning with the New View with Jeff Dalto - Part One
April 20, 2023
Welcome to Season 4 and the 91st episode of the podcast series.
Hi Safety FM listeners, this is Brent Sutton, the host of the podcast series The Practice of Learning Teams.

On today's podcast, I am joined by Jeff Dalto, a workplace learning and performance improvement professional based in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area.

His interests in L&D issues, including learning organizations, led him to be interested in the "new view" of safety quite some time ago, and he sees himself as a fellow traveler of sorts.

He has curated a collection of books in the new view space. In 2021, many safety practitioners contributed to a guide called The New Safety Guide, which was compiled and edited by Jeff. In 2022, Jeff Dalto pulled together another amazing band of contributors to create a follow-up Success Stories guide.

The 2021 New Safety Guide was intended to introduce people to what’s sometimes called “the new view of safety,” including things such as Human and Organizational Performance (HOP), Safety Differently, Safety II, Human Performance Improvement (HPI), and Resilience Engineering, the 2022 Success Stories guide was intended to provide an opportunity for people to tell real stories of real performance improvements they helped implement at real workplaces.

Why? Because storytelling is a great way to learn and because we can all draw inspiration and lessons from the stories of successes that others share.

So please sit back and enjoy this multi-part series with Jeff Dalto.

Be part of the journey with Learning Teams @ learningteamscommunity.com

And don't forget, the book "The Practice of Learning Teams" is available in printed and Kindle editions on Amazon or from the author's website.