Entire Pursuit
Marsh Moyle - Pursuing Community (Part 2 of 2) - Episode 04
December 4, 2020
How do we impact others? Self awareness can sometimes confused with self knowledge, but the second interview of this two part conversation provides further information on using the trinity as a model for our lives as image bearers of God. We have the opportunity to grow in our self awareness by being in community.
The theme of this episode comes back to knowing ourselves and how and where this can best be done. This then leads to the title of the episode, Pursuing Community (neighborhood/ church/ work/marriage/family) and a critical connection to revelation.

HOAM Workshop Dec 14. E-mail me at cultivatedclarity@hey.com for information.

You can find the song Goodbye and Luke's other music @ https://lukepigott.bandcamp.com/music

Connect with Jeremy on Twitter @jowenmiller and/or LinkedIn

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Here are some topics discussed, with some approximate points during the audio 
[Intro] Convert / existentialists / Bible / aspirations / box / human / cynical / Romantic / feel / pain / trust / rest / ambiguity / Functional materialist / communal / eternity / being in God's presence
[13:19] Wonder
[13:45] Right sequence / Eternity / law / goodness / beauty / feel 
[16:45] feel
[16:49] human
[17:28] Trinity / intimate
[18:36] leave
[19:07] less comfortable / Called / Publish / Lacked infrastructure
[21:25] relationships / art / Personally responsible 
[25:30] two sets of beliefs / Functional Trinitarian / Communal / Individual / preserve what is unique / appreciate the other / trust
[29:28] Two sets of beliefs 
[29:57] Loneliness / work out differences / mature 
[32:30] Saying / acting 
[32:47] Say / live 
[32:49] inconsistent
[34:22] Community
[35:02] reveal episode 3 [05:46] 
[35:22] Knowledge / revelation / revelation is a reflection of the depth of your trust 
[36:48] meet / Relational / trust 
[38:20] Name 10 / language / conform to his norms / chaos / language.
[40:03] name
[40:21] Dominion / Power / reality / community