Mind Witchery
A Spell for Realizing Progress
August 19, 2021
Listen: our overnight-success-obsessed culture has a warped sense of progress, and it keeps us from seeing the truth of - and finding comfort in - the cycles of creation. I love a good metaphor, so in this episode, we’ll use an agricultural analogy...

Listen: our overnight-success-obsessed culture has a warped sense of progress, and it keeps us from seeing the truth of - and finding comfort in - the cycles of creation.

I love a good metaphor, so in this episode, we’ll use an agricultural analogy to rethink progress as cyclical rather than linear, slow and co-creative rather than fast and dominating, and sustainable rather than explosive.

Make Magic:

Use this metaphor to get new perspective on where you find yourself right now, re: progress.

If your endeavor were a field, which stage is it in?

For what developments do you need to give yourself credit?