Million Dollar Mastermind with Larry Weidel
Episode #614 - You Need To Read Business Books with Robert Cornish, Founder and CEO of Richter
March 29, 2023
In this episode of Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, Host Larry Weidel is joined by Robert Cornish, Founder and CEO of Richter. They discuss why the stock market is so irrational and unpredictable, the sheer power of reading books as a businessperson, and the unspoken language in the workplace!
In this episode of Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, Host Larry Weidel is joined by Robert Cornish, Founder and CEO of Richter. They discuss why the stock market is so irrational and unpredictable, the sheer power of reading books as a businessperson, and the unspoken language in the workplace!

Key highlights include:

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