The Hotflash Inc podcast
What we talk about when we are talking about menopause
July 23, 2022
Ann Marie is back with another solo episode, talking about all the individual conversations and lovely moments she had with people out of the Menopause Shift Summit.
Season TWO of interviews is back August 12. Buckle up...

But for now, Ann Marie is back with another solo episode, talking about all the individual conversations she had with people out of the Menopause Shift Summit. We are going through it, right? From relationships to very real fears of diseases, more than ever it's important that we get this stuff off our chests. 


• The one mineral you all didn't seem to know about
• Sleep: We are nothing without it
• Why 'loss of libido' can never sum up what a strain this can put on a relationship
• How brave you all are
• How strong you all are
• How resilient you all are... you get the picture

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