EP04.S3 Jeffrey on his GGUTT feelings | Jeffrey Abbott
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP04.S3 Jeffrey on his GGUTT feelings | Jeffrey Abbott
November 10, 2022
This is the 3rd conversation [EP4 to 8 S3] with Jeffrey Abbott, co-founder of Blitzscaling Ventures and Blitzscaling Academy, lecturer, ex corporate and investor. We talk about what Blitzscaling means in different regions, his wealth of experience gobally and journey to date.
Mentioned in this segment of 7 episodes:
ASU Cox Collaboratory 
Blitzscaling Grader
Blitzscaling Academy resources

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GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business, design and ggutt feelings, conversing with entrepreneurs, industry leaders and investors.