Fear-Mongering: How to Be Positive in Uncertain Times
World of Empowerment
Fear-Mongering: How to Be Positive in Uncertain Times
June 22, 2024
In this episode titled "Fear-Mongering," we delve into the rising concerns surrounding solar flares, electromagnetic pulses, and other cosmic events. However, we aim to shift the narrative from fear to empowerment.
Welcome back to another episode of World of Empowerment Radio with your hosts, Aingeal Rose and Ahonu. Today, we're broadcasting from the stunning landscape of Sedona, with a spectacular view of Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte. In this episode titled "Fear-Mongering," we delve into the rising concerns surrounding solar flares, electromagnetic pulses, and other cosmic events. However, we aim to shift the narrative from fear to empowerment. Drawing on decades of conducting Akashic record readings, Aingeal Rose and Ahonu discuss the importance of rejecting fear-based predictions and embracing our innate spiritual power to manifest positive outcomes. We'll explore the dangers of a fear-driven mindset, the wisdom of practical preparedness, and the greater call to evolve our consciousness. So, join us as we navigate these turbulent times with clarity and hope.

Questions to ask yourself after listening to this episode:

1. How do you differentiate between taking practical precautionary measures and giving in to fear-mongering?
2. What role does consciousness play in shaping our reality?
3. Why do you think it is significant that Source does not give specific dates for predictions?
4. How can maintaining a mindset focused on spiritual well-being help in navigating fear-inducing messages?
5. What are your thoughts on the idea that collectively held fears can manifest negative outcomes?
6. Do you agree with Ahonu's stance on keeping a ‘foot in each camp’—being prepared physically without succumbing to fear? Why or why not?
7. How do Aingeal Rose's messages during Akashic Readings contrast with the fear-driven narratives discussed in the episode?
8. How does the portrayal of fear on social media impact collective consciousness?
9. Aingeal Rose talks about seeing a "blue light of peace" and "emerald green" during her readings. What significance do these colors hold for you personally?
10. What steps can you take to ensure you are contributing to a positive evolution of consciousness and the realization of a ‘new Earth’?