Rock Your Retirement Show
Bad Words with Mary Fran Bontempo: Episode 080
June 26, 2017
I spoke with Mary Fran Bontempo about bad words. Mary Fran has a great sense of humor and you can tell by the name of her blog, “Not Ready for Granny Panties.” She is also the author of 3 books. Today we talked about her latest book, “The Woman's Book of Dirty Words”. These bad words aren't what you might think they are. Before we talked about Mary Fran’s book, I just had to go over an article on her website about “Shhssing your brain” Do you ever feel like you just can’t shut your brain off? This is called ‘brain chatter’, Mary Fran explains where she discovered this and what you can do to help yourself. We also touched on Mary Fran's son and how she and her husband dealt with his heroin addiction. Her advice is to not think you're going to fix it. Get professional help! Onto the dirty! The ‘bad words’ that Mary Fran goes over with us in this podcast: * Fine * Adventure * Nice * No (We even did a little role-playing on how to say no) * Balance The constraints that we put on ourselves to become spectacular…we treat ‘fine’ like it’s a dirty word like there’s something wrong with being okay and good enough Mary Fran and I even did a little role-playing on the bad word “NO” and how to say it. Not sure if we will win any Grammy's for our performance but needless to say, it was a lot of fun! I also asked Mary Fran to give us one of the eleven commandments to staying out of granny panties. Thou Shalt Stop ‘Shoulding’ Thyself Mary Fran says we are always filling our days up with things we should and shouldn't do. The word “should” very often equals obligation and the word “shouldn't” often equals denial. We need to change that language to change these to must and want. Sounds like good advice to me! If you would like to check out Mary Fran's blog go to and Mary Fran’s website is Also, as I promised in the interview, here is a link to Mary's Blog post on Brain Chatter Books The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words, Not Ready for Granny Panties—The 11 Commandments for Avoiding Granny Panties Everyday Adventures: Or, As My Husband Says, “Lies, Lies and More Lies” Special Thanks to: * Angie Strehlow who helps us get great guests that help us with our retirement lifestyle while keeping everything on track…and helps with these show notes! * Les Briney, my husband, and Danny Ozment of Emerald City Pro who edits the show and makes my guests and me sound terrific * Henry Shapiro, host of Retired Excited that airs on Fridays * YOU for telling your friends about the show, leaving comments below, and sharing episodes you really like on Facebook, and reviewing the show on iTunes This post about retirement and Retirement Lifestyle first appeared on        

I spoke with Mary Fran Bontempo about bad words. Mary Fran has a great sense of humor and you can tell by the name of her blog, “Not Ready for Granny Panties.” She is also the author of 3 books. Today we talked about her latest book, “The Woman's Book of Dirty Words”. These bad […]

The post Bad Words with Mary Fran Bontempo: Episode 080 appeared first on Rock Your Retirement.

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