Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice
012 - Polo REO Tate - Author, Actor, Speaker
September 29, 2021
Debbie Peterson spends some time with Polo REO Tate, Actor, Speaker, and Author of Deep Dark Blue. Polo talks about her time at the Air Force Academy when the rug got pulled out from under her, and major choices and shifts she made that led her to where she is today.
Polo REO Tate, Actor, Speaker, and Author of Deep Dark Blue. Polo talks about her time at the Air Force Academy when the rug got pulled out from under her and major choices and shifts she made that led her to where she is today.

From a myriad of life experiences, Polo REO Tate intimately understands the transformational value in mindfully getting to know ourselves wholly and love ourselves unconditionally in order to live fully in the freedom of our own authenticity. An author by soul, actor by trade, artist at heart, and uplifter to the core of her being, this Joyful Warrior redefines what it means to be a Renaissance Woman. Her supreme love for people, and the clarity with which she sees and celebrates the superpowers of those around her, allow her to help elevate the energy of any relationship or situation in which she is present. Whether she is in front of a camera, a crowd, or the company of one, Polo revels in the kinetic web of creativity that is born from every interaction, every co-creation.
Tate has been a United States Air Force Cadet, a comedian who has performed all over New York City and Los Angeles, and a passionate public speaker with the mission for all to see, feel and understand their own self-worth, empowerment, and value.

She lives each moment to the fullest, lets no one take her joy, and avidly operates from the belief that we can do anything upon which we set our minds, hearts, and spirits.

In everything she does, Polo invites you to embrace your own infinite possibility, embody the loving being that you are, and feel the power and the pleasure of being fully present in your own life.
...She invites you to BELIEVE, BE LOVE, BE NOW.

Check out Polo's website at
Check out Polo's books, including her not-to-be-missed memoir, Deep Dark Blue

You can find Polo on Twitter: @PoloT8.

If you’d like to get more clarity on how you can show up in a bigger way and have more meaning in your leadership and life, then let’s have a conversation. Book your complimentary strategy session here at
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