Coaching for a Living
The Rise of Pseudo-Coaches and How to Avoid Coaching Scams
July 27, 2022
#006 - In this episode, my guest Victoria Barker shares a few stories that give a bad reputation to coaching as a practice and as an industry and together we discuss what we can do to avoid falling for coaching scams or being perceived as unscrupulous coaches ourselves. Give it a listen.
#006 – The coaching industry has been booming over the last decade, a trend that continued and even increased during the pandemic. With many new professionals entering the market, we’ve experienced a rise in pseudo-coaches, people who call themselves a coach but have no idea what coaching is and how it works. This not only gives a bad reputation to the profession but can do more harm than good to potential clients.

In this episode, I am joined by Victoria Barker who is on a mission to change that. Together we talked about:

Victoria Barker is the cofounder of Credible Coach. Several years after she hired an unscrupulous coach who promised the world but dropped all interest after she paid, she started researching the industry and realised how common such experiences were. 

This led her to establish Credible Coach. By providing transparency and holding coaches accountable, Victoria wanted to make it easier for credible coaches to be identified, trusted and, ultimately, hired. 

Credible Coach serves as a vetting service, which focuses on the success stories of past clients to ensure the coach has a track record of success creating powerful change for their clients. 

You can find out more about Victoria and her work via the following links:

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