Profit First For Tradies
06: From Chasing Jobs to Chasing Profits: How Simon Davis Reclaimed His Life Through Profit First - Part 2
March 18, 2024
In this episode of Profit First For Tradies, Katie Crismale-Marshall speaks with Simon Davis, a fencing contractor and coach who has transformed his business and mindset by implementing the Profit First system.
In this episode of Profit First For Tradies, Katie Crismale-Marshall speaks with Simon Davis, a fencing contractor and coach who has transformed his business and mindset by implementing the Profit First system.

Simon candidly shares his past struggles of being a "broken man," working excessively long hours yet barely making money. He attributes much of this to lacking financial management skills and cash flow systems in his business. Simon recounts chasing one job after another just to cover payroll, rather than pursuing profitable work. His spending was impulsive with no planning, further exacerbating cash flow issues.

However, Simon's perspective began shifting after being introduced to Profit First principles. He started allocating small percentages of revenue into separate accounts, which seemed insignificant at first, but compounded rapidly over time. This new financial clarity allowed Simon to be more thoughtful with purchases, confident he could afford larger investments when needed.

More importantly, Simon explains how Profit First has given him the choice to better balance work and life. He can now take breaks when conditions are gruelling without stressing about cash flow. Profit First has enabled Simon and his wife to splurge on vacations and even for his daughter's wedding — something previously unimaginable.

Simon stresses that while business issues are inevitable, Profit First provides the systems to remain proactive rather than perpetually reactionary. He has applied this methodology to quote more accurately for jobs, conduct thorough cost analyses, and plan for major expenses well in advance.

In this episode of the Profit First for Tradies, you’ll learn the following:

The key principles Simon underscores are having clarity on financials, embracing lifelong learning, investing in training, and surrounding yourself with competent mentors and team members aligned with best practices. His transformational story exemplifies how sustainable profitability unlocks personal and professional freedom.