That's Teaching Life
The joys of working for yourself
May 12, 2021
Can you believe it? I recorded this on Monday and still didn't get it out on time, but I discuss a few issues in this episode.
Episode Transcript

Welcome to the That's Life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler, where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this guys. Richard Butler coming to you live again. It's monday the 10th of May. 

And do you realize that I'm celebrating today? Well, I was celebrating yesterday. Why? Because it's been one month since I left full time employment. And it's been quite an interesting month, if I must say, um I think the biggest basis of emotion I felt over the last month has been a little bit of overwhelmed why? Because there's so many things I want to get done. There's so many things I need to get done. And then what happens is it seems that time is escaping me. So if there was one thing I would say to people who wanted to set up their own business or do something by themselves, I think time management is one of the key factors that you need to factor in, because you may have your business plan and you may have your ideas and you may have strategies in place, but it's the time management that can really get you because Well, you have no fixed structure, you have no fixed 9-5 of us, as I've said in other podcasts and that leads to the problem of did you say, well, I got into the office and I'll be there at half nine and you know, maybe I'll work till until eight, but then things come up, like I've had doctor's appointments, we've had deliveries that I've had to be in the house for, etcetera. So I think that is one of the challenges and then you think, well, if I'm not working, I'm not building and if I'm not building, I'm not making money. 

So again, that's another mindset change. That one has to um get over, I think because you know, basically time is money, but what I have coming up or what I have hopefully coming up, no, not hopefully what I do have coming up is um I want to start building out courses and workshops and in fact I'm going to program a workshop for the end of this month which is entitled The top 50 interview questions that you must be able to answer because a lot of people are coming to me at the moment with interviews and saying I have an interview going on, I need your hub, I'm going to put together this workshop and then the idea behind this is that it would be more automated that I can just direct people to the workshop, the recording of the workshop and they can purchase that and then they can get My expertise for 90 minutes or so. But on the other hand, you know, there is a sense of freedom because I can just take days off or I can work late one day and not work that early the next day, but there's still that little bit of stress going, am I getting everything done? And as everybody tells me it's early days, it takes the first maybe four months just to get into the routine and then to get consistent with doing everything that you need to do. 

So, as I say, I'm always going to be honest on this podcast, I'm always going to tell you how it is. But one of the things that I have been, have to do is just stop and enjoy life a little bit, because when you're in the corporate world, you can have many bosses and each boss wants something else and you're interacting with so many different departments and processes, etcetera, that so you also feel that nothing gets done at least. I certainly felt that this could be quite difficult because you have one boss here who wants one thing, another boss over there who want something else and then you have teams in the middle who wants something else completely. 

So far, what I can see the advantage of working for yourself is that you can choose which clients to work with and if you don't like working with a client, you can just say that's okay, I'll finish this project and that's it. Whereas when you're in the corporate world, if you're working with the department that you don't like or with somebody that you don't like, it's very difficult to say bye bye to them. So that is the other advantage that I've seen. But I think planning and time management are the key for me now. I have a list of things that I have to do and you know, one of them was to record this podcast, so that is now done. So I can now just move on to the next task. But I want to know you know, what questions do you have because I want to help you help yourself in any way possible. I'm also going to be doing a couple of free webinars about having more time, about getting more time to do things, how to be happier etcetera. So what I need you to do is just pop over to Richard Butler dot Coach and from there signed up for my mailing list and I'll actually email you when I have a webinar coming up. How does that sound? 

And if you have any questions, you can actually email me Richard at Richard Butler dot Coach and I would love to hear from you. And I answer all my own emails. There's no automatic messages. I actually respond back to every single email that people send me and make sure of course that you subscribe to this podcast. And check me out on instagram at Richard motivates or at Richard Butler photography. So listen, it's been a short one. 

Think about your week, think about how you're going to manage your week, think about the tasks that you have to do and how you manage your time. Because sometimes the more tasks you put down, the more stressed you get and then you actually don't do what you were meant to do. And then other times of course you just have four tasks to do and you do them really well. And then you feel much by the next day. So remember every day is a new day. Um, if things don't work out today, well then tomorrow is a new day to try something else. All right guys, I'll talk to you very soon. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard Butler dot coat and make sure that you subscribe.

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