Should you follow unicorn founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, or Peter Thiel?
The Six Percent Entrepreneur
Should you follow unicorn founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, or Peter Thiel?
July 10, 2021
In this episode, we talk about shifting the innovator mindset from how it's always been and start thinking about how it's going to be
If you really want to become an innovator and stop being a copycat, then what you need to do is stop copying what unicorns are doing whenever someone looks at what Elon musk has done or Mark Zuckerberg has done or surge a brand or any of these founders steve jobs, et cetera. And the thing is I use these people as case examples all the time, but I do it knowing that they're not always the best examples to use because sometimes some of these people were lucky. Sometimes some of these people were just there at the right place in time. 

For example, if someone is doing a Netscape browser back in the 90s versus now, well, these are very different worlds, very different markets. And if you're trying to use what someone did 2030 years ago, some kind of strategy, it might not really work so well right now. And this is the problem that people have. So when people read books like Peter Thiel 0 to 1 and they're trying to build the next monopoly like Google or Facebook, they're doing it in ways where that's how venture building was done in the past. There are actually so many different ways to innovate with venture building. 

We have so many different technologies, venture building is being democratized. If you follow the unicorns, you are actually doing yourself a disservice because you really don't have any idea what made them successful. It could have been a rich uncle, it could have just been um dating the VC daughter. Just all these different things. Sometimes something's just happened because all the right things click and if you are copying a unicorn where they were just kind of lucky then you're trying to copy luck and that is something that you are not going to be able to do. 

So if you want to be an innovator, stop thinking about how it's always been and start thinking about how it's going to be. So if you recall the famous quote by Wayne Gretzky and I'm not going to read the quote word for word because I don't know the quote word for word, but the sentiment of the quote is Wayne Gretzky, he skates to where the puck is going to be, not where the puck is. 

And if you are looking at unicorns, then you are going to where the puck is and you're not looking at where the puck is going to be. If you really want to innovate, think about what the world is going to look like, how you play a part, and how you can contribute in your own way. This is Robin Copernicus, boom bam, I'm out. 

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