Real Talk with Jeff and Joelle #3 An obedient dog doesn't make a well behaved one
Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?
Real Talk with Jeff and Joelle #3 An obedient dog doesn't make a well behaved one
May 19, 2022
We often talk about the difference between obedience vs behavior. They are two entirely different things. We often see people making the mistake of trying to stop unwanted behaviors via obedience, yet they find themselves spinning in circles. It's...

We often talk about the difference between obedience vs behavior. They are two entirely different things. We often see people making the mistake of trying to stop unwanted behaviors via obedience, yet they find themselves spinning in circles. It's because while obedience is great to have, it doesn't change your dogs underlying behaviors for the long-term. In this podcast we talk about state of mind, and HOW to actually change a behavior without just short-term fixes.

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