Next Level Influence
051: Your 7-Figure Mindset
August 13, 2023
Achieving beyond your wildest dreams is an incredible accomplishment. It shows the strength of your determination and your refusal to accept limitations on your potential. Continuing the thread from our previous episode, “Is Playing Safe in Business Keeping You Small?”, we explore some ways you can pivot your thinking so you can accelerate your business results and show up at the next level. In this episode of Next Level Influence, Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson talk about the key pillars to achieve more impact and income. While business owners might think that growth is painful, reaching the next level can actually be an exciting adventure filled with valuable insights that you can use to move your business forward. If you want to have a greater impact and more revenue, you need to be willing to play outside your comfort zone and adopt strategies that can help you realise your unlimited potential and purpose. Discover how these pillars can lead you to expand your influence which will bring new opportunities and unprecedented growth.
Achieving beyond your wildest dreams is an incredible accomplishment. It shows the strength of your determination and your refusal to accept limitations on your potential.

Continuing the thread from our previous episode, “Is Playing Safe in Business Keeping You Small?”, we explore some ways you can pivot your thinking so you can accelerate your business results and show up at the next level.

In this episode of Next Level Influence, Samantha Riley and Melanie Benson talk about the key pillars to achieve more impact and income. While business owners might think that growth is painful, reaching the next level can actually be an exciting adventure filled with valuable insights that you can use to move your business forward.

If you want to have a greater impact and more revenue, you need to be willing to play outside your comfort zone and adopt strategies that can help you realise your unlimited potential and purpose. Discover how these pillars can lead you to expand your influence which will bring new opportunities and unprecedented growth.

Here are some of the highlights of this episode:


"At all times in our business we should be thinking, “How do we remove ourselves from the bottleneck?”, so we can be in our zone of genius." -Samantha Riley

"Sometimes you need to stop or slow down to move forward faster. It's not about doing more things or doing them faster. It's about stopping and feeling into what the needle mover activities are." -Samantha Riley

"When we are not stuck in the present moment and we're not feeling trapped in what is, we have unlimited potential." -Melanie Benson

"We either normalize next level behaviour or we're normalizing comfort zones and staying safe." -Melanie Benson

"Who you ask for support will always define the level of success you can go to." -Melanie Benson

"Look at things not as they are, but as they can be." -David J. Schwartz, The Magic of Thinking Big


Melanie Benson, host of Amplify Your Success Podcast
Samantha Riley, host of Influence by Design Podcast
Produced by Your Podcast Concierge