Why You Struggle With Consistency
The Whole Boss Podcast
Why You Struggle With Consistency
October 7, 2023
In this episode, I delve into the topic of struggling with consistency. I openly share my own challenges with consistency and how I have shifted my approach to focus on taking action and being authentic. I explore the reasons why consistency can be difficult for all of us, from feeling bored to having conflicting voices in our heads. Let's talk about it!
In this episode, I delve into the topic of struggling with consistency. I openly share my own challenges with consistency and how I have shifted my approach to focus on taking action and being authentic. I explore the reasons why consistency can be difficult for all of us, from feeling bored to having conflicting voices in our heads. I talk about the benefits of consistency, such as building trust and momentum, and provide practical tips on how to maintain consistency while still embracing variety. Let's uncover the power of consistency and learn how to overcome the obstacles that hinder our progress...

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