Money Grows on Trees: the Podcast
Investing vs Business
April 28, 2024
Dive into the intricacies of financial growth with our engaging episode of "Money Grows On Trees," aptly titled "Investing vs Business." In this essential discussion, our host, Lloyd Ross, carefully explores and clarifies the often-blurred lines between investing and managing a business. Many people confuse these two vital aspects of wealth creation, leading to strategic errors that could impede financial progress. Are you handling your investments too actively, or perhaps approaching your business too passively? Lloyd addresses these common missteps by sharing from his own experiences and knowledge, providing listeners with actionable insights. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to fine-tune their approach to financial freedom, offering clear distinctions between the patience required for investing and the active engagement needed in business management. Lloyd uses relatable analogies like planting a tree versus running a farm to vividly illustrate the differences in these paths. He also discusses the potential for investments to be managed like a business and when a business should be approached with the mindset of an investor. Enhance your understanding of how to nurture investments with a long-term view and dive deep into the ongoing hustle of building and maintaining a successful business. Whether you're looking to optimize your investment strategy or revive your business tactics, this episode promises to equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions. Be sure to listen to this enlightening episode of "Money Grows on Trees" to streamline your approach towards either investing or business—or possibly even both! Also, explore the episode notes for additional resources and ways to engage with our community through our free Telegram and Facebook groups. Tap into Lloyd’s wisdom and transform your approach to building wealth. Tune in now for a rich discussion that promises not just to inform but also inspire your next big financial move.
In this eye-opening episode, host Lloyd Ross dives into the common confusions between investing and running a business. He unveils why mixing the principles of these two can cause the wheels to come off your financial growth journey.

Ever wondered why treating investments as a business might backfire, or what trading might do to your long-term financial goals? Curious about how the hustle of business differs drastically from the patience required in investments? Lloyd explains these crucial differences and helps delineate the unique approaches required for each.

Stay tuned for an inspirational close where Lloyd shares his personal insights on aligning your financial strategies with your life goals. It's an episode that promises not only to educate but also to inspire proactive steps towards financial independence. Don't miss Lloyd Ross next time on Money Grows On Trees Podcast, where we help you ensure your financial actions are as fruitful as they can be.
Money Grows on Trees Team
In his early twenties, Lloyd's financial journey took a pivotal turn when he immersed himself in "The Snowball," an in-depth biography about Warren Buffett—one of the world's most successful investors. By age 25, Lloyd made his initial foray into the stock market, and by the age of 37, he accomplished his first significant financial milestone, amassing a Million-dollar portfolio without relying on debt.

Inspired by the transformative impact of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Lloyd, along with his wife and older sister, ventured into a lucrative side hustle. Together, they share their knowledge, teaching others how to cultivate their Money Tree. Within a few months of reaching his initial goal, the side hustle evolved into a thriving venture, generating seven figures in revenue. Now, Lloyd is set to embark on creating another Million Dollar business.

Join Lloyd on his mission to empower everyday individuals to achieve their financial aspirations by exploring his insightful books at

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The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only and does not represent professional advice. The author does not hold an Australian Financial Services License and is not licensed to provide financial advice. As such, this material is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances. It should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter it covers. Listeners should obtain professional advice where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in this publication.

This podcast is produced by: Phil Better Inc.