The Podcast for Coaches with David Sargant | How to Grow Your Coaching Business and Get Coaching Clients | Marketing for Coaches by Credibility Coach®
#12: Stop Trying to Figure it Out on Your Own Featuring Napoleon Hill
March 27, 2018
Most coaches I work with and speak to are either making huge mistakes with their marketing, are feeling overwhelmed and confused or just don’t do any marketing full-stop!

Are you struggling with marketing your coaching business? Do you know what works and what doesn't? Are you feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, stuck and lacking structure when it comes to marketing your services? Do you know how to survive in a digital world? How about creating videos, writing emails, editing web-pages, manging your social media accounts and dare I say it... your sales process? Are you wasting time, money and energy on all the wrong things? There are so many moving parts to modern-day marketing -- it's not as simple as just telling people 'Hey I'm a coach and I can help you' (Although I really wish it was that easy!) If you answered yes to anything I just said, there's 3 steps you need to take right now: First, you need to accept you're struggling. Second, you need to accept that you need help. Thirdly, you need to stop and listen with the intention to understand the value of what I am about to share with you in this episode, because I have a very important and powerful solution for you. -- Most coaches I work with and speak to are either making huge mistakes with their marketing, are feeling overwhelmed and confused or just don’t do any marketing full-stop! Sadly, it doesn’t stop there. Most coaches have developed a secret and unhealthy ‘silo mentality’. Working in isolation has become normal but this is a dangerous place to be when you’re trying to build and sustain a coaching business while juggling 100 other things at the same time. My first full year of full-time marketing coaching was plagued with self-doubt and overwhelm caused by all the different sources of information that said what I should be doing. I also lacked the clarity of what I needed to focus on next (and stay on track!) As a result, my first year as a coach and consultant was the most difficult year, mentally and financially, that my wife and I have ever experienced. As we grow and transition the difficult times will come and go, but I can tell you that, believe it or not, those dark, isolated times were definitely worth it. However, looking back, I now realise that things didn’t have to be quite so hard. So what changed? I realised that all you need is the right coaching to help you break through to the next level (but you know that right?…) I surrounded myself with great coaches, mentors, trainers and accepted help and guidance by climbing out of my silo. The truth is that every successful person got to where they are by following the guidance and advice of someone who went before them. So I have now created the Marketing Mission Mastermind to give back. Giving coaches like you a powerful and affordable solution to your marketing challenges, to help keep you on-track, educated, motivated and in control. I also identified the critical need to be able to speak regularly with people who understand what you’re going through but also to help avoid or deal with the serious challenges that can arise due to working in isolation and inward thinking; such as self-doubt, impostor syndrome, overwhelm, burnout and even depression and anxiety. Most of which I have suffered from due to working in isolation myself and not having anyone around me that truly understands what I am trying to achieve as a coach — I get the challenges you face because I have faced them too. I also created the Marketing Mission due to increased DEMAND! Thanks to my podcast for coaches, I reach nearly 2,000 coaches per day around the world and this gives me a lot of valuable feedback. For example; I get messages all the time asking to join my community and if I have an affordable group coaching community that’s focused on marketing as well as building a coaching business. I have spoken with so many coaches who love the idea of being part of a small, expert-led focus group where they can bounce ideas off of each other, overcome challeng

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