The Startup Smarter Podcast with Joe C. Johnson
Top Tips To Know Before Becoming a Digital Nomad with Christina Voll - Ep. 013
June 11, 2019
On the show today we have Christina Voll, founder of the digital marketing agency, talks to us about how you can best prepare to travel the world while simultaneously running your business. Fun fact: Christina has been a digital nomad her entire life and had never stepped foot in an office.  In this episode, we discuss potential jobs that you can get to make sure that you have money while you travel, smart travel tips, taxes, and much more!

On the show today we have Christina Voll, founder of the digital marketing agency, talks to us about how you can best prepare to travel the world while simultaneously running your business. Fun fact: Christina has been a digital nomad her entire life and had never stepped foot in an office. 

While there is the undeniable allure of packing your bags tomorrow and traveling to paradise, being a digital nomad requires you to be smart about your preparation. In this episode, we discuss potential jobs that you can get to make sure that you have money while you travel, smart travel tips, taxes, and much more!