Work Wife Wine Time
Marketing Series #01: Reduce Your Research Fear
October 22, 2020
Hear the word market research and cringe a little? Does the concept instantly bring on an overwhelming feeling of what’s right for your business? We get it. Any word with research attached to it seems overwhelming because it means there’s a lot of work involved. But in this episode, Gemma breaks down the fear of the research overwhelm with bite-sized, digestible and eatable pieces.
If you're not a marketing professional, then it's probably a part of your business which is overwhelming. But your worry stops now. Marketing is a giant beast which comprises of various components, but it's the most necessary part of your business. 

In this first episode of Marketing 101, Gemma breaks down market research into straightforward, digestible bits. Discover what it is, why you need it and what it does to level-up your business. So she can help you reduce the overwhelm of the marketing beast and finally get marketing that works