Warrior Life - Tactical Firearms | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat
MCS 85: Navy SEAL Survival Fitness
March 29, 2016
Spec-Ops Tips, Tricks & Tactics To Get In Amazing Shape Fast!

Not to sound too cruel, but in the words of the cult classic movie, Zombieland - when it comes to post-apocalypse survival, the #1 Rule is...


Why? Because in their own words, "the 'fatties' will die first!".

There's a lot of truth to that (even without the threat of the face-munching undead), which is why the military forces all soldiers to stick to standard physical training requirements.

Same goes for other "in-the-sh*t" warriors like police, firefighters, etc..

So in this week's broadcast, I hooked up with my friend and former Navy SEAL, Stew Smith, to grill him on his best tips, tricks, and tactics for getting in amazing shape fast... and live another day!

Here's what you'll find in this week's episode...

There's more to staying in shape than just busting your hump day after day.

If you do it right, it takes hardly any time at all... and the tricks you discover in this interview will save you time and sweat while giving you amazing results you'll even be able to see in the mirror!