Alex Outhred: Poker Pro and Consultant
Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus
Alex Outhred: Poker Pro and Consultant
January 3, 2022
In this episode, Sheldon speaks with poker pro Alex Outhred on decision making, understanding perceptions that cause you to make actions, instructional design techniques, poker during the pandemic, and how to promote your business through taking care of the clients. Visit Alex's poker pro page:
Keywords: Sheldon Primus, Alex Outhred, WSOP, WPT, Deepstack University, Maria Ho, Daniel Negreanu, Jerry Seinfeld, Soup Nazi, Hole cam, World Poker Tour, Safety FM, Safety and Health, EHS, COVID-19, Annie Duke, Joe Navarro, sketch comedy, child actor, clearasil, pac-man, Las Vegas, Hendon Mob, Global Poker Index, Decision making, client relationship, phycology, Ford Modeling agency, Big, Tom Hanks, makeup artist, LIghtspeed VT, staking, chess, strategy, executive decision making, Seaquest, MTV, movie extra, hole card cam, video production, editing, bartending, massage therapist, safety culture, safety consulting

[00:00:02] spk_1: this episode is powered by safety FM. Welcome to the safety consultant podcast, I'm your host, Sheldon Primus, this is the podcast where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant and this week we have poker pro and consultant Alex Alfred and Alex talks about a lot with how to make decisions as a poker pro, but then also decisions overall as well as we talked about his early life as being a child model and actor and throughout this episode he did have a cold, so you may hear him sniffling and there was some background noise because at the time were talking, he was in a poker house at the World series of poker in Nevada and actively being a participant, so he took some time out just to do the interview with me. So that was awesome. We did talk about his time as an instructional designer for the World poker tour and creating courses for other people's efforts such as deep stack university, so we had a great time. You'll also hear Alex talked about a reference to an old Seinfeld bid from the TV show in the 80's called soup Nazi, which was a guy who was owned a Delhi and you had to order in a certain way and if you didn't, he'll say his famous line, no soup for you. And uh the Seinfeld cast called him the soup Nazi. So just for some context for you that may not be aware of that show is what he's talking about in that scenario, but Alex had a really good time with me and I with him just trying to figure out some of the decisions you're making, that you wouldn't need to not only on the poker table, but as a consultant, we also talked a lot about client relations and how do you not only promote yourself, but how do you do your best for your client, even if you have to divorce yourself from the results, but you do your best to make sure that they are taken care of and that they really know that you're there for them. So this week I'm not going to do an outro. So it's just gonna be at the end, you're gonna hear our disclaimer. But if you have a moment, please go ahead and subscribe to this podcast, Whatever service you're listening to and if you are even better with your time and you have more time, go ahead and leave me a review. That'd be awesome. Whatever service you're listening to just go ahead and leave a review there and that will help the algorithm and people finding the show. So thank you so much for being part of the show, Go get them. Mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm. If you're going to your house, I know you guys have to do your, you know your all of the prepping and you're in this position and you've got this down and uh and this person throughout the whole day has been doing this, what are you going to do next and you guys have to do all those role playing things as you're, you know, thinking about that. So I know there's there's value in that, but now I'm thinking you guys are even breaking down pac man and getting Oh yeah, strategy out of pac, man.

[00:03:27] spk_0: Oh yeah. Oh yeah, um yeah, it's uh it's nice, like, you know what's, what's funny is there there was one guy that's not that wasn't so great at poker, so you took some of what he said a little bit less, you know, it's uh it's just, well, you know, when, when you sort of live with folks for a while and then folks start explaining how they, how they play poker, it's totally fun and there's no job placed differently, but but there was one guy that just sort of new at the game and he was trying to kind of flex a little bit and and and and this and that, and like, it just sort of gave you a filter, you know, you just with zero judgment, but you could just tell like, uh yeah, he was uncomfortable in social situations, so he would just sort of act a little bit differently than than than regular and nobody has any negative feelings towards towards the guy, but he sort of was stuck in his head of where things are at, unfortunately, like he also didn't play great poker, so like, reactions to his hands weren't like, oh man, you played that great. It was always like, uh, you're kind of stuck yourself there again, you know? So there I was on the bubble with pocket sevens and 18 Biggs. I mean, how can I not get it in the

[00:04:47] spk_1: wrong question?

[00:04:50] spk_0: So I mean in a, in a very natural and organic way with, you know, all integrity in place, we were playing a bit of poker with this guy's emotions to not hurt his feelings as much to just lay it on thick, but also trying not to fake the funk too much, you know, like, oh no, you played it great, you know, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I'm not going to just like get in your face either. Yeah, you know, and the guy means well, so how do we do that in life? We do it all the time and like, so yeah, all these different things, whether it's games, people, your relationships, how you parent, your kids, how your kids parent you, it's all poker, you

[00:05:34] spk_1: know,

[00:05:35] spk_0: and that's what gets into my teaching and stuff, you know,

[00:05:38] spk_1: and you've been teaching for a while, you've been, uh, you know, even when you're in your WPT days doing the, the, the behind the scenes stuff, uh how did you transition from, I believe a farm correct over to poker? What, how did that happen?

[00:05:57] spk_0: It really just started with trying to keep it somewhat succinct. Um, after college I was just sort of waiting to see what I was doing in Hollywood. I was, I was an actor as a kid that commercials and stuff paid for, paid for michigan uh excuse me, college at michigan and then uh so I try, I was trying it again and waiting tables and uh seeing some success, but a couple of regulars played cards on the weekend and then there at the end of my shift and they're like, are you are you getting off like 30 minutes? But yeah, like come over for cards man, you know, it's like 20 bucks, We play a bunch of wild games and like I played like, you know, five card draw in junior high school, but that's like it and we literally played for chocolate milks and junior high. Uh and

[00:06:45] spk_1: uh

[00:06:47] spk_0: but uh yeah, I got a lot of chocolate milk, but I didn't think it was anything major, so I didn't know the math of the cards or anything, I said cool and 20 bucks always turned into 100 bucks, you know, like once you started knowing the folks in the game, I started dating a girl in the game, you know, things happened. I was a young man, you know, it was good times and but it was like, yeah, like a weekly 80 m and I like cars. So I actually transitioned into believe it or not, I was a massage therapist for three years, uh doing that on on the side and this, that and the other. And uh, I got into a car accident, somebody hit me and I couldn't use my car for a while and I needed it for all the massage therapy. So I was doing a sketch comedy group for a cancer benefit. And one of the guys in the group worked for the World Poker Tour and said, hey, if you need a job, we need somebody to like go through footage from poker tournaments and do some post production where they're like, all right, I'll come check it out. And his job was kind of simple was just sort of scanning names in the crowd and uh, doing this and that. And he's showing me around, he's like, look, I'll be back and I'll be back in a sec. So if, if I took his job, he got a promotion. Well, the guy that shares the office with him was the guy who's now an executive producer on the World Poker tour, but at the time his job was to log all the cards. He watched all the whole camps and you're just in the cards all day. You're watching the poker playing poker players, playing poker. The other was just a sort of log sort of, uh, you know, timeline footage, you know, like, all right. If you want to show Annie Duke, it's at this, you know, timecode, et cetera. The other one was the poker. As soon as chris left the room Adams just like, hey man, you want my job. Like what he's like, listen, chris is cool because anybody can take his job, like anybody can, he's like, but if you like cards, you want my job, I'm trying to do something else for a sec, I'll show you how to do this job and he's like, and don't screw it up because if, if I come back, I'm gonna want this job again. I was like, okay, but chris comes back. Adam breaks the news. He's like, totally cool bro, you know, not cool but cool. It's cool. Somebody, you know, somebody took his job two days later, but that got me in and my job was all of a sudden to watch every single hole cam from season two, beginning of season two of the World Poker. It's amazing. Yeah. And uh a quad screen where I'm watching each camera at the table at the same time on one screen. So I'm seeing the reaction at the same time as the bet. And the third guy got the nuts who's trying to look cool. I was like, I'm watching it all. And Adam showed me a fast way to do my job. So they're afforded me a little extra time to do it my way. I could like not watch a few of the players hands so I can guess, you know, and started doing that.

[00:09:42] spk_1: Yeah, you can't, you kind of make sure you're not like steve martin when he was, if you saw L. A. Stories and he was the news with the weatherman and he just basically pre broadcasting the weather says it's not gonna rain in L. A. And then it rained just as long as you didn't do that.

[00:09:58] spk_0: I didn't know it. What's funny is I actually had a quality control job, I would QC episodes, which is making sure that it was absolutely perfect. I was the soup Nazi, so that's so to speak. I was the precise, it's making sure that if any steve martin's popped up in there and just said, let's just let's just do this. I would be the guy catching him. But uh it made me a bit insufferable in some poker game because like things needed to be perfect. Like I was so rules oriented and when I first came into this game and I was, which led into the gentlemanly, like a big part of what's kept me in this game for a while is that I believe in the gentlemanly, if you will etiquette element at the table or proper because gentlemanly assumes one gender, you know, just a proper way to behave and how the rules are designed for absolute perfect equity. It's the spirit of every rule in this game is trying to make it equal for everyone. So how, so why shouldn't we have that culturally right. And and have each game setting is supposed to be a comfortable space for anybody to try to match their wits. And so it's funny, I think that my soup nazi role at WPT is what kind of brought me into that fold of like things need to be done right when you're playing cards, you know,

[00:11:22] spk_1: how do you translate that? Because I know all that data and knowledge that you're collecting that data goes into again, your place. So you have to know the math yourself and be able to, you know, get that portion down. And how do you transfer that knowledge into your consulting now that you're consulting and starting to to try to teach people who love the game or at least want to play. But they're just dedicated to, to learning the math dedicating to situations and all these things. So how do you translate that for them?

[00:11:57] spk_0: It's a really good question. Um, there's a couple of layers to it. Uh, I am picky with who I work with often even because I want to make sure that they're why they want training is in tune with, if I'm gonna be servicing this, it's going to be received and we can have an engagement and a dynamic in play. If there's, if one person's on one and another is on another, you know, we shouldn't be the same way that somebody that really wants. It shouldn't work with a trainer. That's their heart's not in it either. You know? And so it starts there and that. and that gets into usually the filter that I'm looking for is somebody who is looking to or is open to changing how they think about poker. So it's getting into how you think about the game. And and often basically the core line of our training is about there's 222 factors of what data are you looking for and taking in and processing. And then how do you weigh those variables? What strength do you give those pieces of data? And then just ensuring that your process of playing uh doesn't compromise the required thinking for optimal decisions. So some people might have a really good thought and then they impulsively act on it. Like, you know what this guy is bluffing. You know, I can't Where if you just took 10 seconds and reviewed your scantron you might find that. But you thought you filled out to see you filled out A. D. And you need to fix that. So I get into just sort of deconstructing how how we sort of think. And then I put humpty back together again in that vein, The second factor is how is who is this person and how do they think? The person that I'm dealing with? This could be a group of people, sometimes it's a certain collective of people. I I thought actually I hope poker to parenting and all this. It was really great. Uh And or it could be a bunch of salespeople, you know this and that. So with them, I'll slightly tell the training, but let's look at a certain individual, um, one I want to sort of see what are they talented at, like what are they good at perceiving and processing? So let's make sure that they take the matching that. And then I try to see where their blind spots are, you know, and then just try to very simple, manageable ways to account for that. So maybe their math is just a little weaker. So with somebody else, I might just go hardcore math with you so you can really go with this. I'll just make you functional and let's focus on what you can really do. You know, we're with that etcetera. So it's two things, it's making sure that, you know, they're, they're a data, they come in, they're coming at it as a data processor and then to how do you particularly, how does your model and engine, you know, function with data as gas if you will. Um, and, and for me, yeah, just like you said it, it was just a collection of the different experiences that I had in life growing up from, I was a little actor as a kid, there are certainly elements of that at the table and doing natural acting, but, but it's, it's more like taking perceptions that are outside of your own and and allowing them to be natural for your way of thinking and a big part of poker is, you know, sometimes you can infect the table with what you want and your dynamic, but very often, and even in that you need to be understanding how other people perceive this game and, and you must operate if you're having a conversation with them, which every betting relationship is, you better understand the dynamic they're coming from. So acting, work for that, studied psychology and in school. And then I play games, board games with like jewish grandparents and aunts and uncles. It was all the, all the little card games and board games and stuff. And then he had to listen to my grandmother's tone in her voice. If you really wanted to know what she was saying, The words weren't, you know, so, so all of that, you know, if you can figure out how that translates into poker, great. So whoever I'm working with, if I'm working with a kindergarten teacher, I'm working with a Ceo or anybody, you know, there's something about this game that applies to how they think and operate in life. I like to kind of try to figure that out if I can, you know, and uh, I throw that into my training. You know,

[00:16:23] spk_1: it seems like you've got a lot of like, again, you're doing, you're doing assessments of these individuals as they're coming to you. They're saying, hey, I need to, I think I'm good enough in my game that I want to get some training or get some coaching and you gotta figure out first, okay, where are you in the room? And then also after that is how teachable are you, and then after how teachable are you then? Okay, now, let's see, let's see if you, you have endurance, if you could yeah, make it past the tough parts and, and hang in there and, and then

[00:16:56] spk_0: yeah, and it's those little lessons come along the way. It's like I have kind of a simple structure and a lot of it is just adaptable, like, like if you're a surfer preparing for a surfing contest, you can't prepare for the exact wave, you know, you don't know the exact way, but you know what you're bringing to the table and you know how you're going to flex when it comes. So it's similar to me going into a poker tournament, going into the day to, or going into the final table, you don't know the exact cards, you know, you're bringing something to it and just like you said, even going in with a student, uh you know, I don't know exactly how it's gonna play out or, or rather like uh sort of, I'll go in with a certain structure of training, but the real training will determine itself as we interact and as their vibe comes out and I start to see like what kind of makes him special or what makes them, you know, uh what's holding them back and the only, and the only way that I can get there is with kind of honesty, uh, you know, and somebody being able to take honest criticism, not take it personally is a huge thing and it's something we all have in our lives. So it begins with a little bit of conversation about how trading will go and when I did larger camps, I was always sort of the emcee that would sort of prep the crowd of how this weekend's gonna go, you know, I think it's important to uh, you know, have the environment around you in general, supportive as it can possibly be and uh, and if I can do that as a trainer, I'm gonna make the training environment as supportive as it could be. And one of those requirements is that your brain is in the right place for us to begin

[00:18:34] spk_1: and for the instructional design part of your career. Um when you have to write a course or write a of something that you're gonna deliver either online or physical, what's the brain set when you're, when you're an instructional design mode, how do

[00:18:49] spk_0: you know that? That's a really good question. Well, it was funny, I helped out on uh Daniel Negreanu had a project, the Poker VT project, uh, that was going for a little while and the, at its very inception, he was playing poker in ASia and we needed to get some brown work started. So I worked with this company, Lightspeed VT based in Vegas that was sort of building the interactive training portion of poker VT. So I stepped in for Daniel while he was going to just sort of help with the early building design of this stuff that relationship held so years later. Yeah, just sort of a gap. I wanted to take on a regular job on, on the, on the side and they were hiring for a story designer or could not story designer. It's like, uh, what do we call it? Had some cool title. Anyway, the instructional design, it would be for say we were trying to take people's live training, say a sales consultant and he would travel around and do speaking engagements and go places. How can we convert that into an online training mode And uh, that was really cool. You know, you just sort of have to just sort of think about how content flows, it's about the, the flow the same way I would build a curriculum for for poker camp, like like WPT boot camp, W. S. O. P. Uh, academy, you're thinking about sort of the, the consumer path, which is like the sort of, you know, you, you structure thought almost like you're telling a story, you start big and you get narrow, you

[00:20:37] spk_1: know, almost or, or

[00:20:39] spk_0: say, yeah, well believe it or not, this is Gothic literature training in high school is where I learned how to write thesis papers. Think of a thesis paper. You start big and funnel everything down you justify where everything goes. Well it's a very similar thing when you're doing based poker training where you start with the foundations and as you get more comfortable you get more and more sort of specific. So in these online training things you just think about your sitting in front of your computer. What thought leads to the next thought which leads to the next thought? What's funny? I skipped one step where I really got my skills honed on. This was with deep stacks University. So WPT deep stacks right now. Originally that was a merger of WPT and deep stacks you which started to do a deep stacks tour and deep stacks in deep stacks University was online training featuring like a

[00:21:35] spk_1: long time ago. That's

[00:21:36] spk_0: yeah Maria

[00:21:37] spk_1: Deep stack that was like what, 2016 2006 2000

[00:21:41] spk_0: And yeah it was like 2008 2019. No 2010 11. Yeah all that stuff anyway. Yeah. You know they had some great players on their yeah. Yo I think Mattis out for what that was worth anyway. But what we would do is we would do interactive videos. We would set you up with a situation and do a hand re player like an online replay of a live hand and then give you a choice. All right, here you are with seven. There's a raised in front of you and here's A B. C. D. Whatever you clicked on, we would film that next response. I could choose your own adventure and uh All right. Hey, almost here's why it's good, here's why it get to the right answer. We move you along to the next decision in the hands. So that sequencing of just how you break down a hand, decision by decision. It was a really great foundation and the videos I did were really honestly were awesome. Uh It's a shame we did stick with that format longer. Um I mean like it was a really solid foundation. It helped kind of home training. I was already training but this really helped me sort of hone how to just sort of really just explain something, you know, and uh so I brought that magic to instructional design for sales consultants and others who were just trying to turn their speech into something interactive, you know, so piece by piece, I'll take your material and just sort of put it,

[00:23:11] spk_1: what about the other side of it, where let's say as a consultant which you are, how'd you get into the self promotion and and and getting out from behind the scenes working with, you know, being in the production booth and everything else and now you're going to go out there and you're gonna to promote yourself and you know email lists and all the other stuff. How do you how do you navigate that part?

[00:23:34] spk_0: When I first started playing poker, there wasn't as much of a normal scene when it came to uh, selling shares and stuff. So I kind of held my own financial responsibility for my wins and losses at a time where I should have been uh mitigating some of the, some of some of that risk and uh, so if I had a bad year or something like that, my way to mitigate it was doing training and I really enjoyed training and it was a big part of me coming up in this game. And uh, so yeah, I was just sort of, you know, I was working from camp to camp and then I just had of, I've lived in a lot of places and have just a wide network, you know, of, of experiences and cities that I've lived in and the camps introduced me to a large group of people over time, you know, I was doing a poker camp 23 times a month sometimes for a year or two. And uh, so my network was pretty extensive in the respect followed that as I had poker results that backed up the fact that, you know, that my words were worth listening to and uh, you know, as poker brands over time, they change, you know, one camp, some weird stuff would happen with the owners here, you know, another camp, you know, they were this and that the other than they ended up selling it and so I, I always worked well for a solid brand and representing that brand. I came up in the World poker tour and represented their brand to the fullest without with how we designed WPT boot camps. So it's not that I haven't enjoyed working for others, but over time person I could rely on was myself and uh, so you got to put yourself out there and even when I was uh whatchamacallit, uh certified uh massage therapist, um you know, I worked for a certain place, but I just like to do my own thing and have and sort of have my own clients and which ironically were all of my girlfriends, friends,

[00:25:41] spk_1: that's awesome.

[00:25:42] spk_0: I, you know, it was, it was, it was trustworthy for everybody, you know, I was affordable and talented. Uh, but no, I was even marketing myself, you know, is that so it's just, it is what it is that in that, you know, I was an actor as a kid, you know, so I was just around that my mother was a freelance makeup artist and hairstylist and she also did her own, she was a hairstylist and haunted at home and had a little studio and she eventually had her own little makeup studio in her own line of makeup, so I, so I wouldn't, so I would watch my mom bring in clients and just talk to their hearts about what they wanted and what they, how they want to appear and what it means to them and and get people to be honest about what what they're comfortable with and even performing this is eighties man. You have to have your makeup was a style choice man. Like

[00:26:38] spk_1: absolutely. Like there's no,

[00:26:41] spk_0: yeah, she made bold, strong choices. You know, and some people were making that kind of choice. Not coming from the right place. It wasn't getting the effect. They were hoping it was. So so I watched my mom have all these real last conversations with people, you know, and she was a salesperson to but only told them what they needed. You know, she put that down. You don't need that. So a little bit of that comparison. You know, it's definitely, you know, that's how mama lives on, you know, things like that.

[00:27:13] spk_1: I was also thinking about with your uh your promotion to for yourself and when you're ready to really get your business going and and and take on what are some of the tips you may may have to pass on some of these consultants that are thinking all right, I'm ready to go on my own. Uh what what did you go through that You you might tell people to, you know avoid this or or do this

[00:27:38] spk_0: boy. That's a that's a good question because I've made so many mistakes along the way and like uh you know, I think probably when I was when I was well funded, I should have invested some of my money into proper assistant work. Uh people that can help me with the aspects that I wasn't strong enough that I would just simply try to tackle myself um and invest more time and some of the foundation stuff um you know, there's a lot of things that I had the right idea on, but I didn't act on in a timely fashion to to take max advantage of it. I was like pre I was kind of hot like pre social media, you know, it was pre instagram and pre twitter and then your twitter was just starting through some of it. You know the stuff was just kicking into gear but the phone's really weren't there yet, you know, and uh you know, so it was more word of mouth, you know almost type stuff and emails with all this ship. Uh But advice for like right now look, I would just say, I think that it would be, it's important to be honest with yourself. I would suggest that this is what worked for me is you want to sort of try to sort of build a structure of how you can do your life and your job and it's something you enjoy. Like like for example, I don't have to be this picky with students, I could just do cafeteria style and just be doing mass billboard and and a lot of online promotion, Get any cliques that I can get and I could put out some basic schlock that I know can sell. I make a specific choice not to do that because I don't want that type of energy in my sphere as I'm out there collecting students or training or playing poker. So I throw a lot of money out by having certain standards. But for you or anybody else with not you, but like for for anybody considering this, you don't need to have those standards. It's about, that might be exactly what excites you. And it could be really good material just because you're doing it in broad general sense is, I mean it's bad material, you just might, you know, and I do broad material for camps, you know, and writing stuff, but but just as a daily way to market myself, it's not there, but it's there for for for others. Uh so I just like to recommend doing doing what you can or just just being honest with what you want out of being a consultant, you know? Uh because some of it is just something that you might care a lot about and you care about the customer base you build and the type of dynamic matters and what what you produce in this consultation. The result might matter. You know, you got to be sure that you're in tune with it for your clients. And at the end of the day, even though I've got my requirements, I'm in it for them. Like I'm committing to this person having an enriched experience in poker from this point forward. It's, it's customer service at its finest, your consultation, you absolutely must be dedicated to their and, and that is the only integrity that's getting passed on when your clients that says somebody's like, hey, how is it working with that person? How are the results? So they were this and that of course, great results are great. But the thing that don't really matter to the person that they're talking to is when they said he was invested in me and, and did did what he could, you know, so that matters almost the most, you know, results can determine themselves to factors outside of you. So I start with that and then look if you're in a position where that's also, that really does matter to you, then you want to design your business in a way that, that does that matter. You know what I mean? Like? Like if you have a talent at that, make sure you have an interactive business, you know, that's not just putting up a website and people that you can do stuff that people click things to save time and whatever, but, you know, if you're good at dealing with people, make sure you design your business in in a way that matches that skill set and it's a beautiful skill set to have because, because it's all people dealing with people at the end of the day,

[00:31:58] spk_1: everybody has switched up from the covid world if you would um, how is that now affecting your business? How is that affecting or even poker as a general, you know the living? Yeah, reality.

[00:32:11] spk_0: It's nice to have it back coming back. That's for sure. Yeah. Well it's another analogy to working when I was bartending, bartending for years to and you adapt or waiting tables like you adapt your energy to each customer. You know, it's like, you know, the the college kid comes up and it's like alright for Coors lights and uh, four shots like and the guys on on this nice sweet date. You know, they both come up and it's like, all right, here is your cosmopolitan for the

[00:32:41] spk_1: lady you keep switching

[00:32:45] spk_0: Manhattan and your producer, you know, whatever. So you you adapted even in just your memory catalog of what they're drinking, let alone the energy and so every hand of poker that you're playing. You've got stabbed clients that are different and I will just adapt that energy to where it's required.

[00:33:07] spk_1: I appreciate you spending your time. But I had one more question. One more. Tell me some commercials and and child acting. You're in. So I could tell somebody else that I talked to this guy. Please tell me you were my key. So I could say,

[00:33:23] spk_0: well, I started as a model actually as a kid model if you want to have a fun time, you type in I don't mean it like that. Uh you type in the hashtag kid model battle on instagram kid model battle and there was a mutual friend of a gal, like some girl that I knew through somebody else who was a child model also and she posted pictures like hey I did that too, she's like not like this and I was like oh yeah I like this and then we have to and she's like are we battling? I'm like hell yeah so so we so we hashtag the kid model battle and it's still out there so you could see that. But then um uh yeah because my mom was in that stuff and they just right place right time they needed a kid and I fit the bill and then I got signed with Ford, I was a ford model and uh

[00:34:18] spk_1: that's like a big boy.

[00:34:19] spk_0: Yeah but I loved acting and stuff you know? And I was I was good at it in school. So I got a manager for that. My first manager was Gabrielle Carteris Gabrielle Carteris

[00:34:34] spk_1: Hold on that was 90,210

[00:34:38] spk_0: Andrea

[00:34:39] spk_1: Andrea

[00:34:40] spk_0: she was before she got that role just before she isn't that crazy. Uh like that's how old she was by the way she worked with, she was in her mid twenties and like got that high school roles. So sick. So anyway, I did a couple of commercials if you go to like nineties Clearasil commercial, you type that into Youtube or something. It's one where there's a bunch of kids outside of a school, it's like the first Clearasil clear stick commercial and, and uh, and I'd say something like it gets under the skin so that'll be me. Yeah man, just various little commercials and moments. I was just standing on the movie big and I had a couple of extra rolls are big. So I was on set with tom Hanks for a few times there. That was kind of cool. Yeah, yeah, it's fun.

[00:35:34] spk_1: Yeah, that was cool. I did extra work and um, like a long, long time ago on like MTV, we used to film in Orlando and uh and I worked with an agency that used to call us and say, hey just show up on set and we're supposed to be just hanging out. I was in my early twenties and all just Throwing around a beach beach blast or something that was called and then seaquest started doing it in Orlando, it was $50 a day and I was like, I could use the money,

[00:36:04] spk_0: I'll

[00:36:05] spk_1: let you go because I know you gotta, you gotta get your mind right, I'm gonna give you a applause applause on my board Alex, thank you, you're so generous with your time man, I appreciate it. Tell us where to find you what to get you. How someone could, you could, you could get you as a coach or at least you need to take them on. So

[00:36:25] spk_0: the fast way to find me is on instagram is at Alex poker guy, P O K E R G U Y. Um and um my training site is, there's a, there's a hosting site called intro wise and I'm on intro wise dot com forward slash Alex poker guy uh, is how do you find my thing? And it's likely is the link on my instagram. Um, and yeah, Alex poker guy at gmail dot com, If anybody has any questions about anything, you can always find me there. Um and yeah, what I do is a mix of the training, you know the training, this and that, I have a pretty solid base of investors, but if folks are interested in a thing where you invest a few 100 bucks, you can have one or two points depending on the size of the package that I'm playing, I'm about to play a $36,000 package. Uh, if anybody ever wanted to invest with that, there's a real easy way to do it and then you kind of get post throughout the entire package, you get posted up. I have a special messenger group of for investors only. So you're getting videos from the table and the, here's, here's the new stack, here's the aces, the all ends, I'm usually able to like whip out the phone and you get the get the video and stuff so so it's a super fun thing for folks to sweat at home. I like being a horse and uh and what I'm likely gonna start doing is a weekly training session actually, so I'm gonna post that on facebook Alex Alfred on facebook uh instagram and twitter. If I start doing that now, I'll just be like 60 to 90 minutes once a week. But I'll talk about the hands that I played that week, almost like a group zoom session And I'll be able to take a few questions as we walk through hands and something really cheap, you know, $20 or something like that and just see how many folks want to come along for the ride.

[00:38:20] spk_1: Oh excellent, I appreciate that so much, I'm gonna pass that on. And uh and definitely I I I'm just so happy especially seeing, you know, as I'm looking through, I I check your G. P. I. And the Hinton mob every now and then I'm like look at him go. Yeah, it seems like you're really like like taking off again.

[00:38:41] spk_2: Well yeah, it's once I got the health

[00:38:43] spk_0: part right and all the mental stuff that goes with it, you know, it's just a different me that's finding out there and I'm slightly less impulsive with my decisions, I'm considering more variables and better and uh and I'm just a stronger reader of people and patterns just was a little rusty with some of the, you know, tactical stuff, you know, live. Uh, so I always have to improve, but it was really nice getting results for the work that I've done. And uh, so it's making me change my mind and what I want to do next, I'm gonna try to dive back into the smoker thing. I can swing with the best of them. You just gotta find more rich friends to help me get there and then I'll support myself all the way

[00:39:27] spk_1: or a lot of medium friends, more

[00:39:30] spk_2: media or media.

[00:39:32] spk_0: Anyway. Sheldon, Thanks for the time You get yourself. I appreciate

[00:39:36] spk_1: the time you get. Alright man, Have a wonderful time. Go get them at the table, man. Alright, thanks a lot.

[00:39:46] spk_2: This episode has been powered by safety FM views and opinions expressed on this podcast or broadcast. Are those of the hosting its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within the past hour are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated. Open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company, no part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced stored within a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast or broadcast, Sheldon Primus.

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