Mind Witchery
Conjuring Body Confidence feat. Emily Karl
May 6, 2021
My fabulous, feminist personal trainer Emily joins me for a convo about how to generate body confidence in a world hell-bent on objectifying our physical forms. We expand our understanding of confidence, outline the components of a great workout, and...

My fabulous, feminist personal trainer Emily joins me for a convo about how to generate body confidence in a world hell-bent on objectifying our physical forms. We expand our understanding of confidence, outline the components of a great workout, and call bullshit on all kinds of harmful misconceptions about what makes a healthy body.


The Body Mass Index (BMI) is racist, sexist trash.

Knox Power Company, the fitness studio Emily co-owns with her partner, Devin Knox.

Get a sense of Em’s badassery on the KPC Insta.

Make Magic:

When setting intentions for working out, think about what you DO want (not what you don’t want).

Center your FEELINGS - not your looks, not your weight - in your embodied endeavors.

Build partnership with your body by listening to and heeding its messages and desires.

If you’re interested in personal training, find a trainer who meets you where you are, educates you, and believes in your inherent power to grow.