the Internal Journey
The Real Reason We Die, and Why It Is so Important for Your Personal Growth
January 26, 2023
In this episode I will answer the question that humanity has pondered since the beginning of time, which is why do we die, and why that answer is critical for your personal growth!
Welcome back to the internal journey, I’m your host Kam Knight, author of nearly a dozen books in the area of mental and human performance. Today I want to talk about death. That’s right death.More specifically, the reason we die.

Today, I want to talk about death.

That’s right death.

More specifically, the reason we die.

Do you know why we die?

It’s a question that humanity has pondered for generations.

It’s a question you have likely pondered.

And likely still ponder.

Over the years, I’ve heard all sorts of answers

Some religions claim, we die to go into the afterlife.

Others claim, we die to become reincarnated.

A character in the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, said, it’s so we can appreciate the people we love while they are here.

Not that any of these explanations are wrong…

But there is a simpler answer.

One that makes sense on a resource based level.

And one that I believe accurately describes the true reason.

The reason we die is so our children have room to grow

To explain, nature could have easily created a spices that lived forever.

It didn’t because if a spices lived forever, and it’s offsprings lived forever, and it’s offsprings lived forever….

Very quickly that species would overcrowd its environment, consume all of the resources, and then, wipe itself out, as nothing would be left to sustain it.

I suspect early in evolution, immortal organisms did in fact come into being

Though because they didn’t die, they consumed all the recourses in the environment and wiped themselves out.

In fact, this still sort of happens today as some virus mutations are so deadly…

They kill off the host too quickly to spread, and as a result, wipe themselves out.

You can even see this play out with us humans right now

As humanity is evolving, creating safer environments, and overcoming diseases and disorders better…

We are living longer and longer, and as such, our population is growing more and more.

Therefore, we are consuming more resources of the planet, which is leading to major shifts like climate change and global warming.

And if we continue at the current rate, we too might wipe ourselves out.

To circle back, we die to give our children room to grow

Our children will die, so their children can grow.

The same for our children’s children.

Through generations of births and death is how life evolved to all the amazing spices and creatures that exist on this planet.

The point I’m trying to make is — in order to evolve, something must die

Something must end for something new to begin.

Evolution cannot exist without death.

So, why am I bringing this up?


This specially applies to your personal evolution

In order to evolve or take the next steps in life, something must die.

Whether that’s your mindset, attitude, behavior, habit, addiction, and so on.

You have to actively kill old parts of yourself — like old behaviors, old habits, old mindsets — to give room for new parts to grow.

You cannot bring the old with you.

Too many struggle because they are not willing to kill the things required for success

They want more time, without giving up television and media.

They want better health, without giving up soft drinks and fast food.

They want higher level of success, without giving up laziness or procrastination.

They want to find an attractive mate, without working on the unattractive qualities of their personality.

Unfortunately life doesn’t work that way, and believe me, I’ve tried

I tried to gain respect of peers with a self-centered and narcissistic personality, and it didn’t work.

I tried to demand respect with childish behavior, and I was left hanging.

I tried to get results with old habits and routines, and I spun in circles.

I tried to find a quality partner with all my flaws, and I crashed and burned.

To achieve the success I desired, I had to actively kill parts of myself that were getting in the way

It was not easy, which is why people avoid addressing these things.

But in the long run, it’s the easiest way.

I will end with this question…

Where are you stuck and what do you need to kill to move past it?

This is Kam Knight of the internal journey, until next time!