3-21 No Kiddin , Gambling Recovery, Sober Living & Recovery Show
Overcoming Family Mental Illness and Succeeding in Life
June 16, 2023
In the realm of sales, where resilience and determination are paramount, one individual's journey stands out as a testament to the power of overcoming family mental illness and achieving remarkable success. Meet David D'Orazi, a successful salesman, an author, and an advocate of mental health.

In the realm of sales, where resilience and determination are paramount, one individual's journey stands out as a testament to the power of overcoming family mental illness and achieving remarkable success.

In today's 3-21 No Kiddin' podcast episode, I chatted with David D' Orazi. He is a successful salesman and a California native still residing in the Los Angeles area. He is also an author and published a new book about a candid reflection on his father’s life drawn from journals and scrapbooks dating from the early 1920s and beyond. 

David also advocates mental health and spreads awareness of things you can do to overcome it and become successful in life. 

During our chat, he discussed:

Come and listen to this episode, as David shares his transformative journey of personal growth and professional achievement. 

Let the story ignite the fire within you, showing that with determination, empathy, and a belief in one's own potential, no obstacle is insurmountable. 

Together, we can rewrite the narrative and create a world where success is not hindered by mental health struggles, but instead propelled by the strength to overcome them.

Want to connect with David? Visit him on:
Website: www.davidfdorazi.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-In-between-Artist-108933187579916
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidfdorazi/

Want to try the products you learned about on the show or learn more about 3-21? 
Visit- https://321nokiddin.com/

**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld & Up/Down Records for granting us permission to use his music on the show! Please support and follow the Blue October band on:

Instagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberband
Youtube    : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficial

Have a question or feedback about 3-21 No Kiddin , Gambling Recovery, Sober Living & Recovery Show. Record an audio message https://s.bcast.fm/gamblingaddictionrecovery321?episode=286j66y8