Mind Witchery
A Spell for Flipping Tables
March 2, 2023
Why a Spell for Flipping Tables? It’s a dramatic, self-honoring gesture, for when you know that your situation HAS TO change. It might be scary, but it is So Worth It.
Why a Spell for Flipping Tables?

It’s a dramatic, self-honoring gesture,

when you know that your situation HAS TO change.

You get to reclaim your agency and your ideas.

You get to see who and what you are truly aligned with.

It might be scary, but it is So Worth It.


Cauldron, my evolutionary, feminist blend of group, 1:1, and self-coaching. https://mindwitchery.com/cauldron

Make Magic:

A frustrating situation might be an opportunity

for you to declare where you are now,

and to get really, really clear about what you value

and all the ways you’ve grown.

Transcript: A Spell for Flipping Tables