Life Transformation Radio
The Power of Spiritual Gifts: Wake-Up Calls For Your True Potential
May 16, 2023
In this episode, Swanette Kuntze and I discuss how the universe has your back. So if you want to learn more about how the universe has your back and that the pain we go through helps us understand our purpose, so you can become your true authentic YOU, tune in now!
Welcome to Life Transformation Radio.

In this episode, Swanette Kuntze and I discuss how the universe has your back.

So if you want to learn more about how the universe has your back and that the pain we go through helps us understand our purpose, so you can become your true authentic YOU, tune in now!

In this episode, you'll discover:

Never give up to become the true authentic YOU.
We have to go through pain to understand our purpose.
The universe has your back.

About Swanette Kuntze:

Swanette Kuntze is the Muse of Magnificence.
She believes that everybody has the birthright to live in magnificence, fullfillment and abundance.
Swanette never stopped evolving, experimenting with science and spirituality as well thinking ahead of time. And this shows up in her incredibly potent skills as an Intuitive Strategist – having the sixth sense and an engineer mind.
Swanette guides and inspires visionaries, futurists and heart-centered C-suite leaders to expand their vision that is far beyond their current reality.
Therefore she uses her expertise in Spiritual Forensics to go deep into the „Soul-DNA“ to make the invisible visible. She decodes, transmutes and alchemizes all the blockages, unconscious patters as well as echos of previous imprintings from the present life, the ancestral line and Akashic Records. After a near death experience at the age of 8, as she is able to connect to the quantum field and to create from a realm beyond space and time.
Swanette takes her clients much further in life and business, even though they are already highly successful. She gives them a rebirth of identity, ambition and purpose.
She activates, elevates, accelerates and even quantum leaps her clients into their magnificence and unlimited futures.

More Information
Learn more about Swanette Kuntze by visiting

Thanks for Tuning In!